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Can admit that the fact that Chun will arrived today slipped his mind. He's been busy the whole day and he forgot that this giant will be landing at 8.

He was so startled when Chun peck his cheeks that his face turned red. He kissed him in front of his friends and most importantly in front of Tin!!

'Wait. So what if Chun kissed you in front of him? It's not like he's your boyfriend or what. Stop your illusions Can...' His stubborn mind mocked him.

But still! Kissing him in front of his friends is a big no no! He's already used with this Chun, because of course, he grew up in England, it's one of their culture to kiss or hug everyone as a way of greeting. And for pete's sake! They're not in England! The things that were normal in there were not in here.

His eyes caught Pete and Techno's smirking faces. Their expressions are clearly showing that they want explanations and juicy details about Chun. He just pouted and shook his head on them.

Can was about to reach for his glass when he was suddenly pulled up and found himself inside Chun's arms. His eyes widened like flying saucers. What the hell is he doing?

"I've missed you sweetheart!" Chun exclaimed while swaying Can gently.

Type and Ae frowned at this, while Techno and Pete had their eyes widened that could mirror Can's. While Good just shrugged and put his right arm on the table and he placed his chin on his hand, making himself comfortable like he's watching Love by Chance, his most favorite series and waiting for what will happen next.

There's is this gentle look in his eyes and tender smile that will make you think that Can is someone special in Chun's life.

"Is he Can's boyfriend? Why didn't he tell us? He's such a hottie tho." Techno whispered to Pete who's sitting beside him and throw a side glance to Chun and Can. Not realizing that Kengkla heard what he said.

"Oh! I forgot to introduce myself. Where are my manners! I'm sorry. I'm Chun by the way. Are you my sweetheart's friends?" He said with the perfect Thai language though there's a twang. Releasing Can from his hug, but his left arm were still on the latter's waist.

Can just shook his head and introduced his friends, "This is P'Techno, and that's his boyfriend Kengkla." The two nodded and Techno smiled at Chun which doesn't pass Kengkla's eyes.

"The one beside P'No, is Pete, and the man sitting on his right is Ae, his boyfriend."

"And that's P'Type, Pond and my best buddy, Good." Can then finally looked at Tin.

"And this is Tin. The owner of this hotel." Tin was just staring coldly at them. Especially at Can. He didn't even nodded or acknowledged the introduction.

Can release himself from Chun's hold and sat down. Chun pulled a chair from the other table and put his chair between Can and Tin's. Tin frowned deeper but nonetheless moved.

Type was watching Tin's every move.
'Hah. What kdrama is this? I'm enjoying this show.' He chuckled at himself.

"So, what's your name again?" Pete asked Chun.

"Oh. My name is Chun. Chun Neeramphorn. I was born here in Thailand but my Mom migrated to England when I was just a baby. I met Can 4 years ago. I work there as an Engineer. Me and Can attended the same university. He took up culinary, while I took up CE."

"Ohh. Really? Engineer and Chef huh. What a great combination." Techno said as he look mockingly at Tin. But Tin was not looking and just drinking his whiskey.

Chun just grinned at this and casually put his arm behind Can's chair. He even moved his chair much closer.

"Uhm. How are you and Can related? Are you his boyfriend?" Type asked then glanced at Tin waiting for his reaction and he was beyond satisfied when he saw what he was looking for. Can choked on his drink making Chun grinned and pat his back.

Is it really the end? - TinCan Story (MeanPlan)Where stories live. Discover now