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The next day, Garrett and I got back to Canterlot High. Once there, we saw Twilight, Sunset, and the Rainbooms at the back. We walked over there. "Hey Babe," I said to Sunset. "Hey Big Guy," replied Sunset as we hugged and kissed. Garrett smiled at Twilight and said, "Were you able to think up a music spell?" Twilight nervously rubbed her arm and said, "Yeah, about that... I can't think of a good counter-spell that'll work against The Dazzlings... I mean I'll be able to, eventually... But for now, Rainbow's gonna be the lead singer..." Garrett put his hand on her shoulder and said, "Hey, don't worry. I'm sure you'll think of a good spell. Just think of us as your emotional support." Sunset nodded and said, "Yeah, what Garrett said. Good luck girls."

Once their name was called, Twilight and the Rainbooms got up front to sing. They sang this song called "Shake Your Tail." But things... How should I say this lightly? Escalated quickly. First Rarity's coat was being magnetized. Then Pinkie let out a party cannon, causing confetti to blow up, causing some of the girls to gag. Then the spotlight was on Fluttershy. Literally. She ran away from the light, trying to avoid it. Then Rarity's coat got ruined, and she was in tears. We saw the culprits who did it. Garrett got mad. "They're sabotaging the performance!" he said angrily. He was ready to march forward and put a stop to it. Sunset and I had to hold him back. I've never seen Garrett get so angry before.

After that performance, Twilight seemed more stressed. Anyway, The Rainbooms were going to be one of the finalists. But to avoid a counter-spell, for now at least, Rainbow decided to sing that egotistical song I mentioned a few chapters ago. As Rainbow rocked out, we noticed she was beginning to Pony-Up. And Sunset was worried. "Oh no..." Sunset said worriedly. "Man,  I knew I should have brought my sai with me," I said. In a moment of fight or flight, Sunset lunged towards the stage and stopped Rainbow from completing the song, stopping her from Ponying Up. Then Flash called out, "there's the bad girl we love to hate!" Garrett got mad and said, "Shut up Flash! Nobody talks to my sister like that and gets away with it! And you don't get to be mean to my princess, you motherf-" I muffled his mouth before he could act like Samuel L Jackson on a swearing tirade, holding him back.

Isn't it ironic that me, the hot headed turtle with an attitude, is the one having to hold back the younger brother of my girlfriend, who was normally a spitfire? Anyway, it escalated to more arguments and booing. The girls got off stage. "What was that?!?!?!?!" Rainbow angrily asked. "You were showing off your magic!" Sunset defended, "I had to do something!"

"We could have handled it ourselves!" Rarity retorted, "Raphael and Garrett could have even closed the curtain on us!" Garrett and I looked at each other, and Garrett said, "you know what, she's right." I had to agree also. But being Sunset's boyfriend I had to defend her. "Hey, Sunset meant well with her actions," I said, holding her hand, "she was only trying to help." Garrett nodded and said, "Yeah!" Sunset smiled at us, holding my hand. "Well I don't recall the road to Heaven being paved with good intentions!" Rainbow retorted. Twilight looked at Garrett and said, "I do appreciate that you were willing to defend us Garrett. Though I don't appreciate the language you used." Garrett blushed and said, "Yeah, sorry about that... I guess I got the Shimmer temper." Sunset and I chuckled with him.

Anyway, much to everyone's surprise, The Rainbooms were chosen to compete against The Dazzlings in the finals! "Congratulations girls!" I said, "I'll meet ya at the sound stage. I gotta use the bathroom." Much later, I was in the bathroom taking a leak. I was just rinsing my hands when Garrett rushed in, saying, "Raph!"

"What's up bro?" I asked. "It's a trap!" said Garrett, "Adagio, she manipulated Trixie into sabotaging The Rainbooms' performance!" said a worried Garrett. "Uh-oh, this is bad," I said. "We gotta stop her!" Garrett insisted. I was about ready to agree, when someone said, "Hey Shimmer!" Garrett turned around and then Flash punched him in the face. "You gonna tell me to shut up like that again?!?!?!" he angrily said. "Hey, leave him alone!" I said, ready to fight him. "You gonna fight me too, freak?" asked Flash, "not if they have anything to say about it!" And right on cue, some darts hit us in the butt, provided by Tirek and Sombra. That's when the affects came in, knocking me and Garrett out.

The Sunset Redemption (Sequel to A Sunset's Last Sunset)Where stories live. Discover now