Speaking With The Principal

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At nighttime, Sunset slept in her bed. I promised her I'd stay with her while she slept, and would stay with her when she woke up. Throughout the night, I took off my Nightwatcher costume and meditated. Soon, it was sunrise, and I awoke from my meditation. I saw Sunset was still sleeping. She looked peaceful and beautiful. A few minutes later, she yawned and woke up. "Morning Sunset," I said. She smiled a little and said, "Morning Raphael." 

"Did you sleep well?" I asked. Sunset nodded. I stood up and said, "I'll give you some privacy." I then left the room so Sunset could get ready. I patiently waited, when a few minutes later, Sunset came out, wearing a bright blue blouse, blue leggings, her boots and her leather jacket.

 I patiently waited, when a few minutes later, Sunset came out, wearing a bright blue blouse, blue leggings, her boots and her leather jacket

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 "You ready?" I asked. "As I'll ever be," said Sunset as she grabbed her backpack. She eyed my sai and said, "Uh, Raph... You should leave that weapon..." I raised an eyebrow and asked, "How come?" 

"Because Canterlot High has a strict no-weapons policy..." Sunset pointed out. "Oh, right..." I said, realizing my mistake. I put my sai down, and we left the apartment. Sunset looked nervous. "So I was thinking," I said, "maybe we could speak to your principal, and your principal could let me keep an eye on you." Sunset nodded and said, "Sounds like a good idea. I can show you where Principal Celestia's office is." Principal Celestia? That's jarring. So that's what Princess Celestia's human doppelganger is like...

A few minutes later, we were outside Sunset's high school. I could see the look of fright on Sunset's face. She held onto my arm. "Please don't leave my side," she pleaded. "I'm staying with you through thick and thin," I promised, giving her a friendly and assuring smile. Sunset smiled, and we went in. She had a hold of my arm, never letting go, as if I was a teddy bear. Some of the students were looking at us. I could hear some of them murmuring stuff like, "Oh, she's back? Oh look, it's the monster.  I thought she died... Sad... She made a friend? Wow, she made a friend who's uglier than her. Freak. Hey look, it's a Shrek reject." Sunset looked at me and whispered, "I'm sorry they're name-calling you..."

"I've heard worse," I whispered back, "besides, they don't know that I can kick their ass yet." We were soon at the secretary's desk. "Hi, we'd like to speak to Principal Celestia," stated Sunset. The secretary made a call, and in less than a minute, the secretary allowed us to go into the principal's office.  The human doppelganger looked like Princess Celestia, if she were a woman in her late 30's, early 40's.

  The human doppelganger looked like Princess Celestia, if she were a woman in her late 30's, early 40's

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We then sat down. "Thank you for seeing us on such short notice Principal," said Sunset as she looked at Celestia. "I'm glad to see you're alright," replied Celestia, "I was extremely concerned when you abruptly left religious studies." Sunset looked down and said, "Yeah... After I heard so much hatred... I had enough, and... I attempted suicide yesterday..." Tears started to well up in her eyes. She smiled at me and said, "Thankfully, this guy stopped me from killing myself. His name is Raphael." Celestia looked at me, not the least bit surprised. I smiled sheepishly. "Are you Italian?" she asked.

"Not really," I said, "my dad was a big fan of the Renaissance." Celestia nodded and said, "I see. How did you manage to find Sunset?" I chuckled and said, "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." Celestia smirked and said, "Try me."

"I saved your doppelganger from an evil queen," I explained, "Princess Celestia was in my debt, and I promised to help her if she needed it. Originally, Sunset actually did die, and Princess Twilight and Sunset's brother found out. Princess Celestia was so devastated, she sent me through time to save Sunset." The principal nodded, listening to my story. Celestia's face expressed emotions of fascination, horror, sympathy, and surprise. "You have a brother?" Celestia asked Sunset. "His name is Garrett," replied Sunset, "he's younger and was imprisoned when he was a colt."

"I'm very sorry you had to go through that," said Celestia as she gave a look of sympathy. "I promised the princess I'd save Sunset and protect her," I stated. "Can Raphael attend Canterlot High School with me?" Sunset asked, "Not only for protection, but also emotional support?" Celestia smiled and said, "Of course. On a few conditions though." I raised an eyebrow and asked, "And what are those?"

"I don't want you to wear that red bandana," stated Celestia, "it's nothing personal. It's a part of our dress code. Speaking of dress, please wear some clothes! We do not tolerate public nudity in this school." I blushed and said, "Oh, right..." Celestia chuckled and said, "Perhaps I could take you and Sunset to Big and Tall after school." Sunset protested and said, "Oh Principal, you don't have to."

"I insist," said Celestia, "it's on me." I smiled and said, "Thank you Principal Celestia." Celestia smiled and said, "No, thank you Raphael, for saving Sunset."

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