Love Again #11 {A Hood Love}

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"So cry if you need to but I can't stay and watch you that's the wrong thing to do. Cause you'll say you love me and ill end up lien and say I love you too.....cause we need something know it."


{Deondre's POV}

"What was all that shit about?" I asked following Anika up the stairs.

"What the fuck are you talking about" she asked crossing her arms and facing me.

"Bye lost ill text you" I said moking her from a few moments ago.

"Something must really be wrong with you. I do not want yo lil friend.If any thing I should ask what all that shit was about with you and that hoe Toya. But I'm not cause I could really care less about your personal life." She said rolling her eyes and starting back down the hall.

"I'm so fucking sick and tired of y-" I started but was cut off. Anika was in my face so fast it was unbelievable.

"You know what I'm sick of yo bitch ass to. I sit here and get my ass beat because your out here doing God knows what. Then I give up my life for you. I lost my job cause I missed to many days. I lost my house cause I haven't paid rent in weeks. An my daughter,my baby girl thinks your her real daddy. What am I gonna tell her when she's wondering where you are. Earlier you were all in my face but then your flirting with bitches right in front of me. I don't know if you know how it feels to have your heart ripped out but that's how I felt today. An since your so fuckin tired than me and my baby will be gone first thing in the morning. I don't want to continue bothering you" she said storming of to the guest room and slaming the door.

I flinched I fucked up big time. She can't leave I won't let her. I still haven't caught these niggas that are after me. Plus imma be in this big ass house all lonely and shit.

I could hear Anika slamming shit around in her room as I stood in the hall way. I was deep in thought just standing there in the same spot she left me in. I felt I slight tug on my leg causing me to look down.

"Dawdy ders monsters in my room" Shay said hugging my legs and looking up at me with wide eyes.

"Oh really" I said picking her up and kissing the top of head.

"Yeshh" she said rubbing her eyes. I could tell she was really sleeply.

"Well how about I stay with you until the monster goes bye bye?" I asked

She gave me a smile while I carried her back to bed tucking her in.

"Can you make me wawfles wit lots of swurup" Shay asked trying hard to fight her sleep. I chucked at her saying the words waffle and syrup wrong.

Don't think a nigga goin soft.or some shit but I fucking love this.little girl. I never wanted to have any kids as a matter of fact I've gotten a few broads pregant but paid good money to get rid of em.

No lie I'm really feeling Anika to. I just don't know what to do I seem to always mess up. I don't want them to leave shit regardless of what happens from this point on this is my daughter. I wonder where her real dad is thoe? He need his ass beat he missing out on something good.

The next morning.....

{Anika's POV}

I woke to my damp wet pillow. I was tired I got no type of sleep last night. I was worried sick where am I gonna go? I think I just might call Kayla because I can't call Dee because she's probably be out with Trel and my dad lives all the way in Atlanta. I don't have many people.

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