Love Again #27 {A Hood Love}

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"Sometimes you have to let go...not because you want to but because you've been holding on for to long.."


My eyes connected with hers and I looked up at her in shock. who the hell let her in here? I pushed the girl off of me pulling my pants up.

"Babe?" I said making my way towards Anika. She shook her head tears all in her eyes. I walked closer to her wanting to plead my case but she wasn't hearing it. I reached out for her but she backed away.

"Don't you dare fuckin touch me" she screamed her eyes blood shot red.

"Listen ba-" I started. I felt a sting on my face as my whole faced jerked to the right. I looked up at her hurt face I had never seen her so angry so hurt.

"I hate you so much right now. Just stay away from me im done" she said glancing behind me at the girl "Im done".

I watched her leave as the pain on my face didn't subside. I turned around to see Nesha as she pulled on her clothes.

"GET THE FUCK OUT" I yelled angrily. She flinched hurrying up with her clothes and quickly leaving out of my office.

I sate down in my chair shaking my head I fucked up. I was just in the moment Nesha meant nothing she just came around when I was angry and I needed to release some stress.



I left his office my heart aching and my mind racing. I didn't know where I was going only that I couldn't be here for one more second. I made my way down a hall my vision blurred from my tears.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around ready to slap.

"Aye" Lost said holding his hands up "Calm down".

His face softened as he saw my tears. "What happened?" he questioned.

"H-he cheated" I struggled to get the words out.

More tears fell and I just wanted to curl up in a ball. He grabbed my hands pulling my close and into a warm hug. I cried even more letting out a muffled sob.

"I know, I know baby girl let it out" he said rubbing my back. I felt kind of dizzy and really sleepy my head was hurting so bad. I knew it wasn't good for me to be crying like this I was just so hurt.

"You alright?" he questioned. I nodded my head not really sure if I was telling the truth myself.

"Okay lets get you home then" he said gently letting me go.

"I need your help" I whispered.

He looked down at me with low eyes. "What is it?" he questioned.

"Help me take my stuff to my dads house" I said.

"Alright but we have to make it quick. I got a few drops to make and I don't think Ace would be to fond of me helping you move out" he told me with a slight frown.

I nodded my head following him out off this smokey place.


I sate the last bag down on the floor and let out a sigh.

"Thank you" I told Lost not meeting his gaze.

"No problem baby girl make sure you give me a call if you need something" he said his eyes never leaving my face.

"Okay" I told him.

"Look at me" he said his voice filled with authority.

I looked up at his tall frame taking in his rough guy appearance.

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