Love Again #24 {A Hood Love}

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{Deondre in mm}

"You where handed the golden spoon... I had to go take it"



"What's wrong now?" he asked in his sleepy voice.

I remained silent letting out a small groan.

I sat up in t bed sitting on he edge.

I felt him shuffle around behind me and soon he was sitting behind me his arms wrapped around my growing baby bump.

"You good?" He questioned .

I shook my head trying to hold back tears but they fell anyway.

"Babe talk to me" he said his brown eyes searching through mine.

"It hurts" I breathed out touching my belly.

His eyes widened. "Come on we goin to the doctor" he said getting ready to stand.

I pulled him by his arm sitting him back down.

"No, she's just kicking me so hard" I said wiping my tears.

He placed his hands on my belly rubbing small circles. She kicked a few more times an then it was like she fell asleep or something.

I smiled looking up at him.

"You see that only daddy can calm his lil baby down" he said smirking.

"Oh hush" I said waving him off.

He scooted over so I could lay back down.

"Babyyyy?" I said right before he cut the lamp off.

"Whaa?" He asked with a groan.

"Where hungry" I said.

"Well I'm sorry y'all are hungry" he said burying his head in the pillow.

I smacked the back of his head.

"Kinggg" I said beginning to pout.

"Alright,alright damn" he groaned getting out of bed. "Wacha want?"

"Some sweet pickles with mustard. A bowl of dry raisin braned. Two of them gornalla bars and heat up that left over pizza but put some more cheese on it. An bring me some of that cookies and creme ice cream" I said rambling.
He raised up his hand stopping me in my tracks.

"No No No not to tonight. Ima get you a fresh salad with yo nasty pickles and mustard but that's it" said throwing on a white T.

I began to pout crossing my arms.

"Don't start you already know the doctor said you need to be eating healthy" he said.

"So" I said rolling my eyes "I'm hungry".

"Ain't no so you carrying my child ma" he said frustration in his voice.

He walked out the room and I knew he was a lil angry. It was 4 o'clock in the morning.

I got out of bed slowly making my way to the kitchen.

He was cutting up lettuce his eyebrows furrowed in frustration.

He looked up at me when I entered the kitchen.

"Go back to bed" he said.

"No" I said sternly.

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