Love Again #31 {A Hood Love}

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(Anika and her Dad in mm)

"I ain't to worried bout shawty no..cause I know that she be ha spare time shawty just countin dough.. we all know she's important"
-K Kamp-

{Dee's POV}

I pulled into Anika's Dads drive way and parked the car. Dialing her number she quickly picked up.

"I'm outside" I said through the phone.

"I'm coming now" she said hanging up.

I soon spotted her coming down the stairs with Shay attached to her hip and her dad behind her with her car seat. I shook my head and smiled as I got out the car and Shay immediately reached her arms out for me.

"Hey Aunt's baby" I cooed kissing her cheeks.

She smiled and began to tell me about her day.

When they finally got her car seat put in I put her in and strapped her up.

"Hey Mr. Jones" I said with a smile "How you been?"

"I'm good darling and how bout yourself" he said with a raise of his eyebrows "You staying out of trouble?".

"You know I am" I told him "But trouble does seem to follow me".

He smiled slightly and shook his head "You ain't lien".

He glanced at Anika who had taken her seat on the passenger side and was unusually quiet.

He leaned through the window and kissed her head making his way back up the steps to his home.

I made my way back to the spot in the passenger seat and started the engine.

"Hey girl, you alright?" I questioned glancing over at her as we stopped at a stop sign.

She nodded "Yeah I'm, my dad just kinda gave me a lecture about having another baby" she said leaning her head back on the seat.

"What did he say?" I questioned with raised eyebrows.

"He said raising kids is not easy, as if I don't know" she said glancing back at Shay who stared out the window playing with her doll.

"I raised Shay all by myself for almost three years" she said irritation in her voice "My baby will be three next month and he's tryna tell me about raising kids. I need to find me an apartment".

"Why don't you just move back in with Ace?" I questioned.

"You know I can't do that, I need to stand on my own two feet. Just because things get a little rough doesn't mean I just go running back to him. I love him and where building trust but he let me down once and I can't take the chance again. Anika will not be out her looking stupid for anyone" she said with a smile "That's why I got me a job".

I looked at her and she looked at me "You go girl" I said giving her a high five".

"Where is it?" I questioned.

"Dillard's" she said "I just do simple stuff folding and shelving clothes and working at the cash register from time to time. I've been looking at this apartment that would fit my budget if I saved enough for about two months".

"I'm proud of you" I told her "I think this baby is giving you some extra brain or something" I laughed.

She laughed also shaking her head "No this baby is getting me fat" she said.

We pulled up to the doctors office and got Shay out the back seat.

"Thank you again for coming" Anika said looping her free arm into mine.

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