part thirty five//real life

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As soon as Tom's plane landed, he got in the car that he'd called. It took him 30mins to get through the traffic and he ran into the hospital.

He saw paparazzi outside so he covered his face with his backpack. Once he was in the hospital, he spotted Gabbie.

"Gabbie! Where is she? Is she ok?" Tom exclaimed.
"They had to put her in a medically induced coma Tom. They don't know when she'll wake up. Or if she'll wake up"
"Wha..a..t" Tom stuttered through tears.
"They said to just stay with her and wait" She explained.
"Can I see her?" He asked.
"Of course"

Gabbie rushed down the corridor with Tom behind her. She got to the door and opened it.
Rose stood up from her chair and walked over t Gabbie.

Tom's eyes began to fill with tears when saw Lucie lying in the hospital bed.
He walked towards her and leant over her body.

"You're gonna get through this Luce, I promise" Tom whispered, kissing her forehead.

The young man sat in the chair, holding onto Lucie's hands for hours until jet lag hit him.
He sat next to her bed until Gabbie came over and told him they had to go home and rest.

The coma lasted 4 days and Tom was by Lucie's side through every one of them.
He was sitting watching the city out of the large  window when he heard Lucie's soft voice.

"Tom? Tom? What are you doing here?" Lucie said.
Toms eyes fluttered over to her and he looked into Lucie's eyes. Hers were full of tears, mirroring his own.

"I thought you'd want a Chocolate Orange" He smiled through tears, bringing out the chocolate from his bag.
She giggled.
"Luce, you really scared us. You had to be put in a coma" He frowned.
"Oh my god. How long?" She questioned.
"You've been in here for 5 days" He replied.
"I'm so sorry Tom. Everything'a just been going really awful for months. I thought things were working out but there was the article a few days ago, then I got a message from Sebastian. I felt so guilty because his family and his relationship with Sydney must have been ruined because of me. I just couldn't do it...anymore" She weeped, brushing away her tears.

"It's okay Lucie. Just please talk to us. Me, Gabbie, Rosie or your mum. Anyone" He awkwardly smiled.
"Thank you for coming Tom. I missed you" Lucie replied.
"I missed you too" He smiled.

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