part two//real life

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The night Lucie and Tom broke up was the worst night of the young girls life. She'd never cried as much as she had then. Once he left she sat alone, numb. No thinking, no talking...nothing. Rose walked in and ran over to her but she didn't say a word. Lucie cried and cried but her face had no emotion. The tears were meaningless at this point and she couldn't stop them anymore. It was like a piece of her had been ripped away.

After about an hour of holding Lucie, Rose had to go back to her room. The girl said to Lucie, "I'll be back tomorrow my love. Our flights at 3.00pm but the cars booked for 1.00pm". Lucie didn't move from her spot on the floor, she stared at the wall and didn't speak.

Rose left the room and called Gabbie.
"Gab, I don't know what to do..."
"So they're...over?" The girl asked.
"Yeah. When I arrived she was on the floor but her face it seemed so...broken. She's been crying and crying but they're just coming out and won't stop. I've never seen her like this. What do I do?" Rosie asked.

"Honestly...there's not much we can do. She loved this boy and I don't know if she'll ever stop loving him. However much he broke her heart, she's gonna take a long time to heal. Leave her for now and in the morning send some food up to her room and try not to mention it till she's ready. When she's here, I'll talk to her...she will be ok"

"Ok, I let her sleep and I'll see her in the morning" Rose replied.
"Ok, goodnight. Love you" Gabbie added.
"Love you too"


The next morning Lucie woke up at 10.00am as she hadn't been able to sleep until 3.00am.
She then heard tapping on the door that came from Rose and Zendaya. Her feet padded along the floor towards the door. It flew open and she saw a full breakfast buffet laid on silver platters.

"We brought you some breakfast" Zendaya smiled.
Lucie's eyes scanned the platter and her mouth began to water.
"If you want to eat without us that's completely ok" Rose added.
"No no, we can all eat together" Lucie chuckled, slightly.

The girls sat on Lucie's bed and ate the buffet. It took Lucie's mind off Tom and the last night and she even smiled for a minute.
They chatted and ate and after, the girls helped Lucie pack. It was difficult for her to see the dress and even worse when Rose took something out of her pocket.

"Luce...I have something for you. You may not want it now but in months or maybe years to come...I don't know, you might" Rose explained.

She took out the bracelet that Tom had given Lucie. The girl had thrown it into the ground after she left the red carpet the night before. Rose had knelt down and taken it home before it was broken or stolen.

Lucie took it in her hands and stared at it for a while. When she first put it on her wrist the day before, she was so happy but now it was very different.

However, she couldn't get rid of it. Lucie placed it on her wrist and tightened the clasp.

"Thank you" She said, giving a small smile.


A few hours later the girls made their way to the airport, having to face the paparazzi. They harassed Lucie about what happened and if Tom and herself had called it off.

These questions made her so uncomfortable and upset but she knew she the fans had a right to know what was happening.

She asked Zendaya if she'd message Tom and tell him that she was writing a statement.
The girl quickly typed the message and instantly got one back.
He understood that it was the best and he agreed.

After twenty minutes of messing around with the wording, Luce posted the statement.
Tears fell down her face as it became real.

The girls made their way to their flight and boarded it.

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