part eight//messages

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oh mija, how are you?

i'm ok mami, i went to the coffee shop today

how was it?

it was good...i think it gave me closure
i don't know how but i feel better now that i've said goodbye properly

do you want to talk about what happened?

um yeah
so basically i arrived there and crashed because of the flight and jet lag. i woke up to a bunch of texts & calls from tom. turns out he went out really late and stayed in sydney's room. it upset me and i was in quite a sour mood for the afternoon. then tom came over and we had a huge argument about sydney and everything. he left and went to the carpet. later, i decided i had to go. so i did. you probably read what happened there. so i got back and eventually he did too. i just had to end it. i'm still in love with him but honestly that doesn't matter anymore. he was breaking me. i just need to be myself on my own for now. so i took a flight home and it's been ok. the girls are helping and the gang is coming down today.

i'm so sorry mija, i wish things had turned out differently. i really thought you two were forever. but you know what they say...if you love someone set them free and if they come back it was meant to be. at least you have your friends around you. stay strong my love💛
also, what about school?

thank you mami❤️ the board was so nice. they saw everything that happened and have agreed that if i do my school work at home i can have a couple weeks off xoxo

that's amazing mija...have fun with your friends & keep your head down and get through this year xx

i will mami 💕💕

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