32 - Ended

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"Alana its time...you have to push now..." A soft voice lulled her out of her camotose pain.

Alana was delirious. She didn't know what had aided to this delirium, whether the excruciating pain or the magical sedatives they kept feeding her.

After passing out, she had woke up to find herself in Lylas's realm. Specifically that white healing room she was so acquainted with.

Initially, she had tried not to make any noise to bother the habitants beside her, however, the pain was like no other. She had became vocal the instant she was alert.

Lylas, Mena and Derak had been in the room with her, along with another woman whom she figured was a midwife.

Seeing her state of unrest, affected Lylas so much more than he had anticipated. He couldn't borne it. His agitative manner made Mena kick him out. Derak had also helped into pulling Lylas out of that room.

Lylas was not in the right state of mind after finding out the truth about Alana's true identity. Derak felt guilty for revealing it to him. Seeing how his friend was fairing with the news, he almost wished he never told him.

Mena aided the midwife during Alana's labour. The mortal wasn't doing well with the labour. Mena was prepared, however.

Ever since Lylas had informed her what would happen to Alana. Mena took the initiative to harvest every last ceren herb she'd grown. There were no longer any seeds and only her mistress knew how to grow these healing plants. Mena thought the price was worth it. Even if there would be no more ceren herbs in his realm after this. It was worth it to use all them for Alana.

Mena felt Alana deserved it for what she was doing for her mistress and master.

However, what Mena hadn't bargained was for the ceren herb to not sedate the pain Alana felt. After six days of hard continuous effort, Mena and the midwife finally realised the labour was beyond them.

They couldn't operate on her since her womb was special, the minute they would cut through it, it would harm both mother and child.

Alana would have to pull through since she was immune to all sedatives. Seeing her in such pain, wounded not just Mena but even the unsuspecting midwife. This experience would forever haunt that poor midwife.

However, even when the labour was unimaginable to them, Mena and the midwife respected how strong Alana was to bear with it.

They felt that mortal was the strongest out of all them as they would never be able to last this long with such pain. They could see it how it slowly drained the life out of her. And yet Alana held on fiercely.

She had kept repeating Luka's name, sometimes calling him Luka, sometimes calling him, "little bean". She pleaded with him to come sooner so she could see him. She pleaded with him to come out
healthy. Mena didn't even know if it was the delirium talking but she even heard  how Alana pleaded to come out so she could apologise to him.

                   On the seven day, it was finally time for Alana to push. However, since the last six days Alana had been in and out of it, using all her energy to bear the pain. By the time she began to push, she lost her will.

She was persuaded and encouraged and so Alana took this encouragement to give it her all.

Although in every push, the child was slowly bearing into the world, Alana on the other hand, was slowly bearing toward the underworld.

Lylas couldn't bear it any longer. After seven days of hearing Alana's soul wrenching cries, he couldn't sit idle by just offering elixir after elixir that didn't even work on her. And so he burst into the healing room, instantly going over to Alana's side.

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