9 - Revealed

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                            That night before Alana entered R.E.M sleep, she felt as if her whole being was spiralling into something. A force beckoning her body and soul into a tangible object she couldn't decipher. The feeling frightened  her and made her faint.

                              When she opened her eyes again, she felt she was dreaming. She found herself in the same cottage house from another dream she couldn't remember.

                              It felt like a fresh start, a new experience again.

                            She found herself sitting at the wooden entrance of the cottage house, a wooden plank on her lap. On top of this plank was a layer of sheet-like paper with murky ink outline of a man.

                             Before she could decipher what was happening—where she was and who she was—the force of the body she was in, compelled her into a numbness silence. She felt herself becoming one with this body. And while she was merging with the body, somehow she forgot herself entirely.

A mixture of new and old memories began forming into her tangible mind as she became the person in her dream.

                             "Sit still." The woman said to the man in front of her. The man in black robes matching his dark mane of hair and his serious thick eyebrows. Everything else was perfect on this man. His features were the type she felt she could gaze at the whole day. And yet there was one fault. He couldn't sit still.

                             She wanted to paint him. She had been wanting this for a while now. He often left her for days on end, to scout out any news of what was happening beyond the four corners of the mortal mountain their cottage house was located. The sanctuary they forged and made a home in.

                            When he left for this long, she felt that sometimes that she forgot what he looked like. She didn't have any of her previous powers, she had given them all up to chase him. She was as powerless as a mortal. She imagined her body was degrading to old age just like how mortals do.

                              Everyday he reassured her that she was not aging. It's been twenty years since they married and he was still adamant on telling her how beautiful she was each morning. Some days she couldn't believe him. Other days she basked in his warmth embrace, acknowledging his words.

Life for her was all she could have ever dreamt of. He has always been the goal from the beginning.

                            "I bribed the old hound down the village for this ink and paper." She reminded him. "I had to give him some of my good berries for him to ascent. So please sit still so I can finish without any mistakes. I only have this one paper and ink."

                             There was a smirk playing on the corner of his lip. This kind of smile she loved on him because he rarely revealed this side of him to anyone. He was always so serious and stagnant. His icy expression making everyone feel either frightened or awed.

                        "What will you pay me for sitting still?" He asked her as he leaned his head on the fist of the hand resting on the bench she made him lie in.

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