20 - Needed

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                                    The next morning, or rather early afternoon, Alana was the first to wake up. He had his arms around her, his face buried in her hair, Alana basked in his addicting scent. She studied his features up close, he looked peaceful sleeping this way and Alana was enchanted by how handsome he was.

Then images of last night began playing before her eyes and Alana blushed tomato red as she recalled how many times he made love to her. Feeling suddenly hot and bothered, she slowly released herself from his arms, careful as to not wake him up.

She bit her lips as she studied his sleeping form once again. As much as she wanted to go back to his arms, nature was calling. She couldn't see where he had discarded her scattered clothes last night and so Alana draped his linen shirt which reached her mid thighs and tip-toed to find the bathroom.

Seeing how the shower looked so tempting, she decided to let the water run over her body. She washed last night's away, the evidence of having lost something special to him. Afterwards, she stared at herself in the mirror and got a shock. She gasped to herself as she saw the bruised love bites painted all over her body. Alana felt herself trembling as she remembered those moment he marked her body this way.

Some things couldn't be erased. Alana knew she didn't want to erase last night from her mind, she wondered whether he felt the same. He did mention that he planned on having his way with her this whole weekend.

Feeling excited about this, she quickly towel-dried her body and tied another dry towel on her hair. Then she wore his shirt again. When she entered the bedroom again, Lylas was still slumbering deeply on the bed. A part of her was tempted to return in his arms, but she hadn't ate since yesterday during lunch. Her stomach was begging her to be fed.

Alana manoeuvred awkwardly around the bedroom, trying to find the door to exit out of the room. It was probably her random shuffling that awakened him, because one second she was about to open a random door, when the next second she was buried in Lylas's arms that hugged her from behind.

"You can't escape that easily, remember you promised me if I let you sleep then I'll have you for the rest of the day." His voice tickled her ear.

Alana felt herself melting under his arms and words. Her cheeks were stained red with her blush when she turned around to face him.

She smirked before looking at him with serious expression, taking him by surprise.

"Feed me first." She demanded.

"Ah..." He pressed his forehead unto hers. "I'm sorry, I forgot to feed you last night didn't I?"

"You more than fed me last night." She commented and then blushed at her bold remark.

Lylas's eyes were heated as he stared meaningfully at Alana, before his lips twitched with humour.

"What do you want to eat?" He asked as he released her.

Alana then realised he was only wearing his jeans and nothing else. Seeing his bare toned torso and broad shoulders weakened her senses. Alana bit her lips to force her desire at bay, then she looked up at him.

"I want, bacon, eggs, hash brown, sausages and beans." She told him the items of an English breakfast menu.

"Okay, I can make that happen." He told her in anticipation.

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