11 - Harnessed

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"Miss Alana, are you alright? Can you hear me?"

A distance voice pierced through Alana's subconscious. The voice echoed until she felt herself awakening. The minute she opened her eyes, Alana was instantly blinded by the brightness of the room.

She groaned, feeling a wave of a migraine.

Her response somehow released a series of relieved sighs around her. As Alana adjusted her eyes to the light, she realised she was laying down looking up at the ceiling of brightened lights.

What startled her was how her vision zoomed onto the crystalline lights suspended on the ceiling. She could see every minuscule detail as if she were looking down a microscope.

She closed her eyes again to adjust and when she opened them this time around, Mena's face blocked the light. 

Alana struggled into a sitting position. There was something off about her body. It felt very light, airily light, as if she were floating.

It took a few whole minutes of adjustments, while watching everyone around becoming smaller than her, to realise she was actually floating. What was more shocking was the fact that she was floating onto a silver cloud.

It was Gigi and Fifi whom managed to diffuse her cloud. They brought her back down to earth, which was the bed she had been previously lying in.

"W-what happened?"

"You fainted." Two voiced echoed at once. What startled her was how these voice had echoed through her mind.

Alana panicked as she looked around her to see whom had spoken.

"Miss Alana, we are so glad you can finally understand us." The twinned voices spoke in unison.

"Gigi? Fifi?" Alana was shocked to realised that these voice belonged to the two fairie sprites happily flying around her.

"You understand them?" If was Zenos that further affirmed this. He sat at the other corner of the room, spectating, while Mena held her hand for support.

"What happened?" Alana asked.

"We were brought out of mediation when we sensed Master's strong spiritual essence. We saw him carrying you in his arms from his prohibited garden. I ran to inquire what happened. He didn't speak until you were safely in the recovery room with your energy stabilised. He then told us that you easily entered his garden without breaking the seal and managed to consume the sacred Rana apple without contaminating it. He explained that each scared fruit contained a thousand years worth of cultivation and that your mortal self that already has foul energy will be disturbed it." Zenos explained.

Mena was mothering her by checking her state of physical being. "You were unconscious for a full day, Miss Alana. We thought we were going to lose you." She told her.

It moved Alana as she realised that this immortal cared so much for her.

"How do you feel?" This question was spoken in unison between all four parties in the room.

"Apart from a sore head, I feel quite fine."

"Here, it's the last of the ceren herb I grew from last time. I made it into tea, it will clear your head amongst other injuries your bodies sustained from the sudden one thousand worth of energy you received."

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