13 - Appeased

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Very very stupid... These words echoed through Alana's subconscious mind when consciousness made her alert to her surroundings.

Her eyelids were stained red and so this meant she wasn't in the dark room anymore. The sheets felt silkier and smelt of her and so this meant she was back in her allocated bedroom.

There were two set of hands on either side of her that were holding each of her hands. And so this meant there was more than one person in the room.

After this assessment, she moved on to her body. She felt weak and heavy. The airy lightness she had felt after receiving those powers was gone. The heaviness unsettled her for a while before she adjusted. However, it was this adjustment that made her aware of the pain in her left wrist.

When she tried moving that wrist it felt restricted. This was what made her open her eyes.

Someone gasped and quickly hugged her, "Alana, thank God."

"Karla?" Alana frowned as she realised that person holding her, was her friend who's been unconscious for the past week and few days.

Alana used her good hand to hug her back. "You're okay!" She mumbled.

"Me? I am fine. Lylas told me what happened, you have been through so much, I'm sorry for being a terrible friend."

"Hey it's not your fault, you were unconscious. Besides this experience so far has been invigorating."  Alana tried to smile.

"Miss Alana, how is your hand?" It was Mena's voice that broke their embrace.

"Mena!" Alana used her good hand to reach out for the woman.

Surprised, Mena froze as she let Alana hug her.

"I-I'm so sorry!"

Mena held Alana's shoulders. "It's not your fault Miss Alana, you couldn't have known..." Mena reassured her.

"How long have I been out?" She asked both of them.

Karla and Mena looked at each other. "When Master found you in the dark room, you were almost frozen to death. He took you away to his personal healing space to heal you. That was seven days ago. When he returned three days later, you were still unconscious."

Alana blanched. It has been almost a week since she was unconscious?

Wait, did she say his personal healing space? In the dream she woke from, she hazily remembered Lylas telling her that the place where rocks where suspended in air with water below, was his personal healing space.

Didn't that happen hours ago? How could she have been unconscious for a full week?

"Make room." Lylas' voice entered their midst.

Alana's breath hitched. He looked at so majestic adorned in black and gold. His body suit was leather like material and he wore black leather boots and had a black silky cape trailing behind him.

His hair was wavy, streak backwards and his expression was ever scowling.

Alana fidgeted in her bed, the memory of that dream making her blush profusely. She stared in numb silence as he approached her. He used the same hand gestures Zenos had used a week ago, however this time no light glowed on her forehead. After that he checked her pulse by wrapping his finger around her good wrist. His finger tips glowed a golden colour and Alana fidgeted again, feeling that it was a lot warmer where he was touching her.

Afterwards, he checked her bandaged wrist. Alana didn't have time to study her broken wrist since waking up. Now as she looked at her bandage hand, she saw flaky petals beneath the bandage. On closer inspection, she realised those petals where the same from the Cutaa rock in her dream.

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