4 - Dreamed

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                             The following week was mellow compared to the hectic previous week of curating. Although the business partners still had work to do, there were restful periods during the day where they could relax.

This period, however, didn't feel as relaxing to Alana Walters. This was because when she wasn't doing anything, she would often catch herself thinking about Friday night. Her thoughts specifically wandering toward the enigma of the man in Armani. Karla's boss, Lylas.

Alana couldn't exactly understand why she couldn't get him off her mind. Was it his attractive aura? He had practically glared at her throughout the whole encounter last Saturday. So she shouldn't pay head to that sort of arrogant person. However her mind wouldn't stop.

This inner turmoil with herself made her frustrated. She would never meet that person ever again, although she had Karla's business card for his company. Alana couldn't see herself contacting Karla. She stopped herself from doing so, because deep down, Alana knew the reason she wanted to get in contact with Karla was for the chance of seeing him again. This would be very wrong and unfair for her friend.

And so, for the rest of the week she decided to dedicate all her efforts and thoughts into working.

By Friday night, Jake and Pam invited her out, since they never really celebrated the success of last week. They went clubbing and Alana went all out for that night. By the time she called it a night, she was too drunk for sense.

Pam and Jake had been reluctant to let her go. However, seeing how intoxicated the usually faultless Alana was, they decided to hail her a taxi and implored the driver to make sure she got home safely.

The minute Alana entered her flat, she tottered drunkenly toward her bedroom. The tight dress was discarded immediately and she didn't have time to slip into her pyjamas when she slumped into her bedsheets.

It didn't take long for her to fall asleep, she was out the minute her head hit the pillow.

The dream entered her subconscious the minute her mind entered REM sleep...

                      In the dream, Alana found herself standing in middle of the forest. The leaves and grass of this forest were auburn red, indicating the bloom of autumn. She didn't know why but the urge to hurry pulsated through her. She was here because she had a purpose. And that purpose was to find some fruits or any edibles amongst barren trees. She had to return before sunset.

                        As she coursed through the dense forest for any edibles, it didn't take long to encounter ripe persimmon fruits. Some had fallen and got spoilt on the ground, however some of juiciest still remained rooted on the branches. She gathered these ripe fruit using a stick to ease down the branches. And then shoved sixteen of them on the pockets of her sleeves.

                        She then rushed her way back to where she came from, the urge to hurry before the sun set making her feet move faster. The dense forest began to channel into a soil road and she merged on this path.

                        A few meters away, there was a house-like cabin waiting for her. She saw the pile of smoke mingling with the air from the chimney and her heart pulsated faster. Somehow she knew what this smoke meant.

                          It meant he was back. Back on time as he had promised. She began running toward the wooden house, her shrilling voice calling out for him.

                       "Is it you?" She asked as she dashed for the entrance door. The house was warmly lit and cosy compared to the blankness state she had left it in earlier.

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