Chapter 19

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"Hello" i called out into the darkness that consumed my vision.

Where was i? Is this real? Why?

It seemed like everything was going so fast and before i knew what was happening the black turned to white, a blinding white. I collapsed on the floor like a rag doll. I had no control of my body, i tried my hardest to move...nothing. i had given up. I closed my eyes and hoped i would wake up. I felt a light pinch on my sides and i felt like i was levitating.

I opened my eyes to see a hand wrapped around my waist and i was being carried somewhere by a unknown person.

I was set down on a desk, still unable to move or talk. I finally got a good look at who the person was.... Jayden?!

And in her hands, needles and a lighter. What is happening?! Soon more people came and sat around the desk with needles and knifes in their hands. Chris, Micheal, Vic, Megan, Oliver, Cara.

I tried harder to move, to no luck. Everything was in slow motion which made everything more agonizing. Soon i felt the pins being pushed into me. The lighter flickered in such a way that made me see the true monsters that hid under the faces of the people in my life. Soon i was engulfed in flames. my mouth and nose and eyes were sew shut. I was dead.

}end of dream{

I woke up sweating in fear that it was real. Everything about that dream seemed very real. It's too messed up, maybe i should keep this too my self. I thought to myself.

I got out of bed and made it then got dressed. I looked over and realized that Jayden wasn't there. Strange.

I walked downstairs and saw Jay.

"Hey, did you walk up earlier or what? because you weren't there next to me this morning." i said grabbing some cereal.

"Oh i've been sleeping in the guest room." she said slightly on edge.

"What's wrong? You know Chris and the band are coming home soon you should be excited!" I said randomly.

"Yeah. Sorry. Umm Whens my birthday?" she asked. I was a little puzzled on why she asked such a silly easy question.

"October-22" i said simply.

"Oh my gosh! MICHAEL!!!" she yelled happily.

"What?! what?!" Michael ran down the stairs, almost tripping.

"He..he remembers!" Jayden said.

"Yes!" Michael said happily.

"Wait what are you guys talking about?" I asked.

"You lost your memory in a car accident and you didn't remember a lot like you didn't even know that i was your girlfriend." She told me.

"Seriously?!" i said and walked over to her and hugged her tight.

She was now crying and it made me tear up a bit.

"I love you" she said looking up at me.

"I love you too" i told her kissing her on the forehead.


}phone call between Michael and Chris{

Hey (michael)

Hey what's up? (chris)

Well guess what? (Michael)

what? (chris)

Kuza got his memory back! (Michael

No way! seriously! (Chris)

Yes way! (Michael)

Well that's great, How's Jayden? (Chris)

She's great. how's the band? (Michael)

Tired. [laugh] (Chris)

I bet [laugh] (michael)

Yeah. Well we have to do a sound check for tonight's show, so i don't maybe we can all skype later tonight? (Chris)

Definitly, Bye Chris, Goodluck! (Michael)

Thanks, talk to you later (chris)

}end of call{


"Screw them ya know, they think they can come up into my apartment and tell me Oliver Scott Sykes what to do?! Oh know they are going to pay." i said angerly.

"Please calm down,Oli." Megan in a timid voice

"Shut the fuck up." i said angrily

"No need to say these things. I feel awful now that we've been confronted." Cara said.

"So you two aren't up for a little fun?" i said looking at both of them with a raised eyebrow.

"What do you have in mind?" Megan asked


[[please don't be mad... but this is the end........of book one!

Sorry for a short ending chapter but i've been a little writers blocked.-. But i have lots of ideas now for the seconded book. Which i should have the first chapter out August/31st----September/4th. in the mean time check out my other books(: you guys are awesome for reading my awful written books and i lve you for it! mawh<3 feel free to message me through dm(s) }ig:way_high{ or kik messages }_behind_my_smile_ ]]]

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