Across the way. (Kuza Fanfiction)

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I woke up to a horrible headache. But i needed to get up and go to work.

I slid out of bed and over to the bathroom that is connected to my room. I grabbed the Tylenol out of the cabinet and took the recommended amount.

I felt better after about 5-10 minutes. In that time i washed my face and stripped down to my matching bra and underwear.

I turned on my iPod and put it on the speaker dock. 'Take out the gunman' by Chevelle came on first.

I shuffled around my closet looking for what i should wear for today. I decided on black high- waisted shorts and a american flag crop top.

I quickly put on my clothes and then my makeup. Lots of mascara and some eyeliner haha.

I walked down the stairs and greeted my mom who was siting at the dining room table.

"Good morning, mom." I said pouring myself a cup of coffee and grabbing a glazed donut from the box.

"Good morning. And stop trying to eat all the junk food. You're already fat. You don't want to get fatter." she said harshly.

"Im sorry." I threw the rest of the donut in the trash and finished my coffee.

"Bye." i said and walked out the door.

"Remember, the less you eat. the less you'll weigh! Oh and don't forget today we weigh in!" she called out to me as i walked out the door.

This is literally how my mornings go.

Its a Sunday morning, so there aren't many people here at Hot Topic.

Thank the lord, don't take me wrong i love working here but sometime people get annoying and fast too.

I went through my shift with only 10 costumers.

I left and went back home. There's no point in going anywhere else.

I got back home and found that mom was waiting for me with a scale in hand.

She set it down.

"Okay. Step up." she told me.

I stepped up onto the scale.

"103.4 lbs." she said. i could hear a little bit of disappointment in her voice.


"Well looks like you need to lose that 3.4 lbs. now don't you." she said.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Alright. Now go hit the treadmill for 45 minutes." she told me.

"Yes, ma'am." i said and went to change into a pair of yoga pants and a tank top before i walked down stairs to the basment. Mom had the basement redone to be a home gym.

When i got down there i grabbed a water out of the mini fridge and my earbuds off the counter top and plugged them into my ears and phone and turned up the music, Green day.

I ran and ran.

I took a break after 45 minutes.

"Another 45!" mom yelled down the stairs.

I finished off my water and grabbed another one before starting up again.

This is great and fun, i tell myself.

I ran the 45 more minutes. I stepped off the treadmill and hit the shower.

A took a short 5 minute cold shower.

I got out and wrapped a towel around my body.

I went back into my room and changed into a pair of sweatpants and a plain tee shirt.

Across the way. (Kuza Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now