Chapter 16

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(A/n: before i start this chapter... so i have this textnow app, and someone called me and idk i get random people calling me, anyways i couldn't end the call and i was listening to music real loud and then i paused my music and i could hear the person on the other side trying to talk but i couldn't make out any words, it freaked me out and i deleted the app.-. P/S: 3 more chapters)

Oliver's POV

"Wanna go out tonight?" I asked Jay

"What?!" she said

"Rephrase// as friends" i said clearing that situation up quickley

"Umm yeah sure. for what?" she asked

"Vic's birthday party." i told her

"Oh yeah okay, is he the one with the long brown hair and has a really nice tan?" she asked


"Who's going to be there?" she asked

"Well I'm not for sure but I'm pretty sure that, Alex, Jack, Kellin, Tay, Jenna, Mike, Tony, Jaime, you and I." i told her

"Cool,cool." she said, i knew she had some things on her mind.

"Whats wrong?" i asked

"Nothing, i'll be fine." she assured me


"Im going to visit Kuza before tonight though." she said

"Okay, Do you mind if i tag along?" i asked

"If you want to" she said grabbing her hoodie and put it on.

"Okay, is he still at the hospital? Or his house?" i asked

"One second I'm going to call Chris." he said and put her phone to her ear.

"Get in." she said.

"Where's he at." i asked once she finished up her conversation.

"Home." she said and paid attention to the road.

I simply nodded my head to myself.

She drove over to Chris, Kuza, and Michael's place.

She was out the car in the house quicker than i knew.

Somethings wrong.

"What's wr-" i stopped mid sentence when i seen 6 guys including Chris with suitcases. Jayden was crying and hugging Chris.

"Can anyone explain to me what is happening?" I asked severely confused

"Chris's band is going on tour." Michael finally spoke up.

"See Chris is the lead singer, Ricky the shorter one is one of the guitarist, Devin aka Ghost is the bassist, Ryan the one with the short hair is the other guitarist and the guy in back is Vinny, he's on drums since Angelo is no longer in the band, and that's Josh but everyone calls him Balz, its his last name, he's the keyboardist." he explained to me.

"Hi, Im Oliver. Nice to meet you all" i said

The all kinda said hi or just ignored me.

"They aren't real fond of you since the whole you and Jay thing..." Michael told me

"Oh. i don't blame them." i said.

"How long are you guys on tour for?" i asked

"2 monthes. Its for our new album sort of." Ryan said.

"Cool, cool. so what's your bands name?" i asked

"Motionless In white." the guy named Ghost said.

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