Chapter 3

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Kuza's point of view

"Hey, Chris!" i yelled from my locker over to Chris across the hall at his locker.

"What do you want Kuza!" he yelled back.

"Is anybody coming for graduation that you invited?" i said as i walked over to him.

"Im not sure, not a lot of people responded and the people who did said they can't make it." he said


"How bout you?" he asked me.

"Not sure. "

"Yeah. well we better get to class!" he said and we walked to our first hour class... Math.

I suck at math. I get everything done just not the 'correct' way. haha.

But Chris over here does everything right no matter what.

But I'm pretty good in all my other subjects just not math.

"I know its the last week of school and you all are excited to be done with school forever, unless you're going to college which i hope you all are! But we do have one last assignment for you seniors." ~ our principle said to us seniors at the school assembly.

"The assignment is to write a letter to someone in your family, brother, sister, mom, dad, grandparents, aunts, and uncles. and send it to them before graduation."

There were a few groans and moans here and there.

"Also the letter must be at least one page front and back."

Ahh fuck.

Well i guess mom's gonna get a bunch of bullshit nonsense on a piece of paper.

"Your english teacher will be collecting the letters and sending them."


"That is all seniors you are dismissed."

All of us seniors filed out into the hallway.

"Kuza!" i knew it was Chris yelling my name.

"Yeah Chris."

"Who are you going to write our letter too?" he asked me

"My mom probably, and you?" i asked

"My sister or mom maybe both in one letter, i havent seen them since last summer..."

"Oh, well i hope they come to your/our graduation."

"Yeah me too."

"There go the freak show twins!" Some jock yelled out.

We just ignored them.

We get comments like that all the time.

"So what do you want to do know?" i said once we got over to Chris's dad's house.

"I don't know about you but I'm starting my letter."

"Oh well i might as well start on mine too."

We both sat down and started writing.

'Dear mom,

How have you been? Its been a while.. almost what 4 years now. You've missed a lot.

It's my senior year, i am graduating in a week. I hope you can make graduation. I'd be nice to see you.

I don't quite look the same as i did the last time you seen me. So it may be quite a shock when you see me.. if you come.

Why did you leave? that question has been running through my mind ever since you left.

Was i not good enough for you? did you just not care. Id hate to be a burden on you.

Enough with all the sob story shit.

I really do hope you can make it id be great to see you.

Yeah i have a twin brother ya know.. haha his name is Chris. we aren't actually brothers but he moved here last year and we look really similar id be great for you to meet him!

Well if you ever decide to come you can call us and lets us know, dad's number is still the same.

From your son,


I finished my letter in about 15 minutes Chris finished 5 minutes after i did.

We did the rest of our homework until Chris's dad came home

"Hey! Chris and Kuza! how was your guys day?" John asked us

"Fine." both me and Chris said in unison.

"Well look at that you guys are looking more and more like that same person everyday." John said with a chuckle.

"Well what are you guys waiting for?! come on" John said and we all headed out the door to his car.

On most Monday's, Wednesday's, and Friday's John takes us to go get some wings from Buffalo wild wings.

And on most Tuesday's and Thursday's My dad (Rob) makes us dinner with the help of my step-sister (Cara) and her mom (Laura). Sometimes John will come over too and eat with us as well.

Tonight is Monday and that means wings!

We headed to the wing place and ate.

We got back to Chris's house and i said my goodbyes and started my walked down the street.

Chris and I only live 4 houses down from each other.

"Hey dad, Laura, Cara." i said as i walked pass them and up to my room.

"Hello Michael.." they all said.

"For the last time, its not Michael. Its Kuza." i yelled down to them.

I shut my door. and proceeded to get ready to sleep.

I got a few texts while i was gone. See i forgot my phone at home today so yeah.

1 from Michael, 2 from some unknown number and 1 from Matt.

I opened Matt's first because i haven't heard from him in so long!

'Hey man! we need to hang out this summer! I got a new drum set! we finally free from high school! fuck yah! well text me back as soon as yo can. i might be able to come out to Pennsylvania this summer too, but you should come out here to Cali!' -Matt Patlan.

'Gosh man its been so long! Nice i'll have to come see you play sometime! definitely i'll see if i can come out to cali this summer. that's be sick if you came to PA. Well ill text ya later!' -me

Then i opened Michael's

'Hey man what's up! what time/date is your graduation? i might be able to come out and see ya!'-Michael

'Its next week Monday. umm around 10am it starts. it'd be great to see ya!' - me.

Then the two unknown ones i just deleted.


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