Chapter 10

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Kuza's POV-

(A year later)

'I think we need to break up. i'm sorry.' -Megan<3

'Why?' -me

'I just don't think "this" is working'-Megan.

'It's been a year that we've been together, and your just now saying this. no there's something else. Meet me at the park so we can talk.' -me

'Fine. i'll be there in 10.' -her

I don't understand why, what did i do. Did i do something? or worst.. did she find someone else?

I got my vans on and grabbed my keys and walked over to the park.

I sat on a bench and waited. And then i got a text.

'Dude, Megan cheated on you!'-Josh

'Seriously! fuvk.'-me

'Im sorry,'-Josh

'With who?' -me

Sorry I'm a curious guy.

'This kid I don't even know his name he was like visiting or something and has been a little after you two started dating. i don't even think he goes here.'-josh

Holy cheese and crackers. fml.

'Thanx for telling me.' -me

'Of course, dude you have to come over later today, get you mind over her.'-Josh

'For sure. i'll be over around 5?'-me

'Sounds good.' -Josh

I left the park as soon as i seen her. I locked eye contact and left.

"Kuza wait! it was a mistake.!" she yelled off in the distance

I didnt feel the need to draw attention by me yelling.

'Mistake my ass. A whole year, basically since we started dating. go fuvk your new boytoy..'-me

Im so pissed right now. how could she.

"Im sorry! Can't you see that im sorry!" i heard her say. She still following me.

'Leave me alone. Please don't talk to me. Stop trying to make a scene this is your fault. were over.'-me

I got to my apartment with out anymore disturbances. Thank the cookies an milk

I just need to get her out of my head, it's only the 2 year of college and i was starting to feel really good about my life just to have it all come crashing down.

By the time 5 rolled around i really just felt like staying home and skyping Michael (because honestly he is a great listener).

'Hey come dude! where are you?' -Josh

'I don't know if i'm going to come. sorry'-Me

'Nah dude. If your not coming here then were coming to you!' -Josh

'Ugh. Fine you pick i don't care.' -me

'We'll come there. be there in 5'-Josh


And just like Josh said him and some other people were knocking at my door.

"Hey! okay so this is Ricky, Ryan,Angelo,Matt, and -" Josh started before i cut him off

"Jayden?" i was highly confused and shocked

"Yeah." she said with a shy smile.

"You go here?" i asked

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