Chapter 17

436 12 1

1 month later


"Hey, Jayden?" i called from my room

"Yes?" Jayden said as she entered my room.

"What should i wear?" i asked her

"Umm well wear your white and red Motionless In White shirt with a pair of black skinny jeans." she told me digging for those's two things in my closet.

"Thank you, Jayden." i said giving her a hug

"Your welcome, do need help with your makeup or piercings?" she asked me.

And even though i didn't need any help i said yes.

"Okay so lets put your makeup then piercings in." she said with a smile.

I nodded my head and she started on my makeup.

"Red or black?" she asked

"black" i replied

She nodded and began applying black around my eyes. I put in my white contacts. and my red plugs, with the rest of my black piercings.

"What are you going to wear?" i asked Jayden as she finished up.

"Umm probably the same as you." she said to me as she walked out my room and into the spare bedroom that she moved into while Chris is gone to look after me.

I've been getting my memory back slowly, I can remember some things here and there but it seems to be the more important memories just don't seem to be with me. Jayden and Michael have told me who is who and how i know them and stuff like that but it just doesn't sink in with me. I try my hardest to remember and to pull the memories back but no luck. The only things that i remember from what the two said was that my parents are dead, Cara is my sister and is alive, Jayden is my girlfriend, and Michael and Chris are my best friends.

Tonight Michael, Jayden, and I are going to go see Chris and his band play. Its going to be a great time. Im pretty excited, but Jayden is way more excited because you know it's her brother. And the band is pretty much like family to her as well.

She's been hanging out with Oliver quite a bit. But Oliver has assured me that they are just friends know, that gives me a little bit if relive. But not much.

"Kuza! you ready?" Michael said pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm coming." I slipped my black converses on as i walked out the door and into the back of Jayden's car.

"Here put these on." Michael said putting a vip lanyard around all three of our necks.

-At the show-

"Are you ready for this?!" Chris yelled out as he ran on stage. All you could hear was the loud roar of people cheering.

"Fuck yeah! thats what i want to hear! Okay this first song were going to play is Reincarnate, sing along if you know the words!" Chris said, then the real magic happened, All the music came together to make one hell of a show.They played 5 more songs before saying goodnight and to have a safe trip home.

Michael, Jayden, And I headed backstage to where the guys were having a signing. We made our way outside the back way and towards their tour bus. Walked on to the bus and made ourselves at home. It was a pretty nice bus, no clothes on the floor, clean dishes, no mess basically. Not at all what i expected.

Around 30 minutes later the door to the tour bus opened and in came the guys. Jayden hopped out of her spot and ran over to the group of guys crying tears of joy. I stood up saying my hellos' and congratulating them on a show well done.

"Hey Kuza, whats up?" Chris said and sat down next to me.

"I've been doing pretty well, some of my memories come back. But enough about me, how's the tour life been?" i said and asked him.

Its been well. and thats great!" he said patting my back.


I left Kuza to talk with Ricky.

"Hey Jay can i talk to you real quick... alone?" i asked my sister pulling her away from the boring conversation with Ryan.

"Yeah sure what is it?" she asked once we left the main area of the bus.

"I just wanted to let you know that Cara, Kuza's sister is dating Vic, as in Vic Fuentes from the band Pierce the Veil." i told her knowing she'd be confused as in why i'm telling her this.

"Umm okay? and why is this important to me?" she asked just like i expected.

"Because Cara has been talking shit about Kuza and you to Vic and Oliver and everyone. I don't know i just really want to talk some sense into her but i really feel like i'd over do it. But umm yeah." i said confusish

"Okay." she said saddened

I moved passed her and talk to Ricky, Devin, and Josh about the situation and they both left to go talk to Vic, Oliver, and Cara. Kuza was a but confused on why they left. But i didn't want to stress him out, so i said that they went to look for a good bar.


Chris had told us what was going on and we just couldn't stay there and not try to help. All 3 of us went to Oliver place first.

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