~4.4 - Diego~

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I yawned, stepping inside the school building. Malik and Phyre had decided to take a couple laps around the courtyard, but I hadn't wanted to stay. I felt stupid and humiliated. Someone smaller than me—a girl no less—beat up a guy and scared the shit out of his followers. I didn't want to stick around after that.

Speaking of which, I didn't know where Karla was. She had gone to wash her hands, but I doubted it took five minutes to walk to the bathroom around the corner and wash her hands. Since she hadn't gone back to the courtyard, she must've gone somewhere else. Maybe back to Home Ec. Or the library. I shrugged. The library seemed more likely. Plus, I would walk by the girls' bathroom and maybe run into her. I smiled. Good plan Diego, good plan.

I went around the corner, humming to myself. If she wasn't in the library, I would just text her. Idiot, just text her-

The rest of my thought was cut off as I rounded the corner. I stopped walking, staring at Karla lying on the ground a little farther down the hall. I took a hesitant step forward. "K-Karla?" I breathed. She turned her head the slightest bit, her grey eyes distant. I rushed forward, worry creasing my brow. "Karla what-"

I knelt on the ground next to her, confused. Had she passed out or something? Slipped and fallen? Gotten dizzy? "What happened Kitten?" I reached for her, slipping a hand under her head. My plan had been to sit her up slowly. That changed when I felt something wet on her hair and pulled my hand away to look at it curiously. My palm had blood smeared along it. I stiffened. "Karla what happened?"

She blinked, sitting up slowly. I pushed her back down gently. "D-Diego I'm fine." She lied. "I slipped."

I shook my head. Slipping and hitting her head on the school's floor—no matter the material under the carpet—wouldn't make her bleed that much. It had only been five minutes since she had left for the bathroom. "You are not fine, and I don't believe that you slipped." I grit my teeth. It was possible that Gabrielle's followers had ambushed her; I wouldn't put it past them to do something like that.

Carefully, I picked Karla up, cradling her in my arms. I'll take her to my place and patch her up there. I decided. Then she can meet Grace and be a bit more comfortable. She rested her cheek on my chest, making my heart miss a beat. I craned my neck to see her face, her eyes closed. I smiled softly. Aww, Kitten. She took a deep, shaky breath, gripping my hoodie in her hands.

I walked back out into the courtyard, moving slowly; I didn't want to wake her up. Malik and Phyre were still wandering in circles. Phyre saw me first, his purple eyes flickering to Karla in my arms. He stormed away from Malik, leaving the redhead confused for a moment. "What the hell did you do this time?" Phyre snarled. He moved close, so close I could bite his nose if I leaned over a little. "Why do you keep hurting her?"

Growling, I stepped around him. I don't have time for this. Phyre rushed in front of me, making me stop. "Can't we deal with your immaturity later? I have more important things to deal with right now." I tilted my head down a bit to gesture to Karla. "She got hurt, okay? I'm trying to help her, but I can't do that when you keep getting in the way." I pushed past him, elbowing him hard as I did.

Phyre didn't stop me again, thankfully. I didn't need to worry about that jerk right then. I frowned. He didn't use to be so vicious before. I didn't know what had gotten into him recently, but he needed to figure his shit out and chill. I bit my lip, concentrating as I shifted Karla to one arm. I searched my pockets for the keys to my truck as I got closer. I finally felt the metal key ring in my back pocket, sliding around elusively. I sighed, furrowing my brow as I fumbled in my pocket some more.

My fingers closed around the keys, making me grin successfully. After I clicked the unlock button, I dropped the keys onto the ground beside my truck. I pulled the door to the backseat open, carefully laying Karla across the seats. I climbed up and leaned over. It took a couple tries, but I eventually got her buckled around her waist. I dropped out of the backseat and started to close the door when she moved a bit. I froze, watching her. Karla, shifted slightly on the seats, pulling on the seatbelt. I grinned as she pulled it close to her chest, hugging it. That has gotta be one of the cutest things I have ever seen.

I shut the door and picked up my keys. She must be okay if she was grabbing for things in her sleep. I climbed in the driver's side. She's so strange. I chuckled softly as I started the car and closed my door. Humming softly, I drove the five minutes it took to get home. Hopefully she wouldn't mind being at my house when she woke up.

My sister was waiting for me on the front steps, looking worried. She stood as I got out of the truck, wobbling a bit. I sighed. Great, now I've gotta worry about her falling too. "Grace, go inside." I reached into the backseat and grabbed Karla gently. "I'll be inside in a minute."

She nodded, pulling her long hair into a ponytail as she headed back inside. I walked up the driveway, following her. My cat, Juniper, was instantly tangling herself up with my legs. Chuckling softly, I rubbed her back with my foot. She was always around whenever someone walked in, and anyone who didn't know to watch out for her tripped. "Hey Nip."

I slid past her into the living room. The couch was clear, but Grace sat in a chair expectantly. "So this is Karla?" Her eyes twinkled softly. "Is she okay?"

I nodded, laying her sleeping figure on the couch. "Something happened and she hit her head or something." I stood, heading into the bathroom for the first aid kit. "I didn't get to hear what actually happened before she passed out." I explained, knowing I would be nailed with questions if I didn't.

Grace watched as I kneeled beside the couch with an alcohol wipe in my hand. Juniper climbed onto the couch too, meowing and rubbing her head against Karla's hand. Carefully, I parted Karla's hair and dabbed the bleeding spot. She whimpered softly in her sleep, making me hesitate. I don't wanna hurt her more.

"Let me do it." Grace volunteered, standing slowly. "I always take care of you when you get hurt pequeño, let me help her."

I nodded slowly, watching warily as my sister tottered over to me. She sat down and took the wipe from me. "It's right here." I gestured to the back of Karla's head. It was dark with blood, making me bite my lip worriedly.

She smiled softly, carefully cleaning the wound. I lifted Karla's head a bit so Grace could wrap it. "She'll be fine Diego." She promised. "She just needs rest, and maybe some painkillers when she gets up." I didn't look away from Karla. She looked so exhausted and pained. "You really like her, don't you pequeño?"

I sighed, tucking a strand of dark hair behind Karla's ear. "Yeah. I do."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2019 ⏰

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