~1.5 - Diego~

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I growled at the two officers as they came toward me. I clenched my fists tighter in preparation. "The hell I'm going with you." I could feel blood pooling in my palm from the cuts the broken scanner had bestowed upon me. The book in my other hand was curled up in my hand, and part of my conscience was worried I'd end up tearing the book apart on accident. "Just tell the principal to give me the bill for a new scanner." I grit my teeth, my anger rising. "It was shitty anyway." I could see Karla out of the corner of my eye. It was like she had shrunk to an even smaller size. The pure terror I had seen in her eyes when she had first spotted the two cops... I had never seen anyone that terrified before. They'll pay for scaring her.

The two cops exchanged a confused look, making me guess that the broken hunk of junk in the library wasn't why they were there. "Dude, you just need to come with us, okay?" The redhead looked like he was still in high school, but he had enough balls to look braver than the taller officer.

The two of them took another step forward, and so did I. I was itching for another fight. "Make me." I snarled. I moved quickly toward them, pulling back my fist and-

"No!" A small figure rushed in front of me, looking up at me. "Don't. Let me."

I frowned, confused. "Karla?" Just a second ago, she had looked more afraid than I had ever seen anyone look in all my life. Now her grey eyes were clear. I lowered my fist slowly, not understanding what was happening.

Karla watched me for a moment, then turned to the two officers. "Leave him alone. He didn't do anything." Her voice was quiet, but she stood tall with her head held high.

I chuckled silently. Well, as tall as someone her height can possibly stand.

The taller officer's eyes widened in surprise and recognition. "Kars?" He breathed, making her stiffen.

The redhead cop glanced up at me, confused. I shrugged. I'm just as clueless as you are kid. I watched the taller officer take a step closer to Karla, making me snarl. He stopped, gazing up at me with a hint of fear glistening in his eyes. For once though, I didn't think that fear had anything to do with me.

Karla kept her gaze on the cop, trembling the slightest bit with tension as she clutched the books tight in her arms. The officer rubbed his face, his cheeks flushing a little. "That night, I thought you were going to-"

"Yeah Kalen. I was." She sounded tired, slumping a little as if she were carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders. "I was going to, but decided a fresh start might be better. A couple fresh starts."

The officer—Kalen—nodded, smiling softly. "Well, I'm glad you ended up changing your mind on..." He looked down, his pale blue eyes uncomfortable. "That..." He sighed, looking up at me. "I still need to take him in." His smile was gone. "Honestly, I should probably take you in too. You should be in a-"

I snarled. If I was being honest, I didn't care if they took me in, but Karla hadn't done anything wrong.

Karla scoffed. "Leave him alone. Leave us both alone. Whatever shit you get because of it, pass it down to me."

Kalen hesitated. "Sorry Kars, but I-"

"Do it for me." She breathed. "Please Kalen. For old time's sake?"

Finally, the officer nodded. He gave me one last warning look before gesturing to the redhead. Slowly, they both turned away, heading back down the hall the way they had come. I glanced down at Karla, my jaw hanging open in shock. "How the fuck did you do that?"

She shook her head, watching the two cops round the corner and disappear from sight. "Sometimes, things are better left unknown."

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