~4.2 - Karla~

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We didn't hang out for very long. I ended up falling asleep in the middle of a sentence, the sun warming my face better than any blanket. We both skipped second hour so I could nap.

I walked into third hour Home Ec, yawning. "You should've woken me." I protested. "I get enough sleep at home."

Diego glanced at me skeptically. "Oh really?" He chuckled. "Karla, you fell asleep while you were talking."

I growled softly, trying to hide my blush. "Yeah yeah, whatever." I sat in my seat, looking at the directions written on the blackboard. "Hmm. Peanut butter cookies." I set my sketchbook down on the table, flipping through to my great grandma's recipe. I shoved it over to Diego. "Read the directions. I'll go get what we need."

Hesitantly, I backed away from the table. Chill out. You can trust him. I reminded myself. I grabbed a container of flour, sugar, and brown sugar, putting them into a large bowl. I searched around for a second before I found the shortening and vanilla. Why can't they put things like they're supposed to in a kitchen? I walked over to the fridge for eggs and butter, my mind swirling around the horrifying possibility of Diego going through the sketchbook. After all, curiosity was a natural part of human nature. I bit my lip, rushing back over to my table.

Diego watched me set the bowl and its contents on the table with amusement. "I could've helped." He reminded me.

I shook my head. "You can't bake anything for the life of you." I opened all the containers. "Figure out what we'll need to do first while I go get the measuring cups."

I headed back over to the counter, grabbing a pile of measuring cups and measuring spoons. That should be enough. I turned back toward the table just in time to see Diego eating a spoonful of flour. I tried to hold back my laughter as I walked back to him.

He smiled a tiny bit, trying not to cough flour all over the place. I giggled. "Guess you shouldn't have eaten flour." He glared at me, looking ridiculous with his cheeks puffed out. "Yeah, I saw that."

Diego leaned down over the trash, coughing. "Damnit." He growled. "I thought it was powdered sugar."

I covered my mouth, my voice shaking with the effort of holding back my laughter. "Maybe you shouldn't try to eat random things in the kitchen without knowing for sure what it is." I smiled big. "And, don't ever become a chef. You'll end up eating everything before it can be served."

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, sure. So now what?"

"You measure." I insisted. "Pour it into the bowl, and I'll stir it."

Nodding, he looked at the recipe and grabbed the stick of shortening. "This whole thing?" I nodded as he unwrapped it. "It looks like too much."

I shrugged. "That's the right amount for a batch of about two dozen." Diego dumped the whole stick into the bowl. "We could halve it if you want."

He grabbed a measuring cup, scooping up the brown sugar. "No way! Half a recipe means half the cookies." He dumped the sugar in with the shortening. "Although they would probably taste better if you were doing it all."

I smirked, rolling up my sleeves to the elbows. "Do you want to mix?"

Diego shook his head. "Of course not. There's no spoon." He pointed at my arms. "Hey, what's up with the bandages?"

I stiffened. Shit, I forgot. I tried to shrug it off nonchalantly. "Fluffen needed a bath." I lied. "He hates water."

Eyeing me suspiciously, he scooped up some flour. "That kitten must really hate water if you need to bandage both of your arms like that."

Nodding, I stuck my hands into the bowl, mixing it all together. "He's not a fan." I felt my cheeks heating up. Everyone must've been looking at me. They're not. Stop being paranoid idiot.

I continued mixing as Diego added the rest of the ingredients. I pulled my hands out of the bowl after it had been thoroughly blended. "I'll go get a cookie sheet and we can put them in the oven." I smiled softly, grabbing a piece of cookie dough.

Diego's eyes widened. "Don't eat that." He warned. "There's eggs in that."

I shrugged. "So what? You're more likely to get sick from the eggshells than the yolk." I popped the dough into my mouth, closing my eyes as the sugary mixture melted in my mouth. "Try some." I suggested, opening my eyes. "It's better than the actual cookies."

Slowly, he reached for a tiny piece. "If I get sick-"

"I'm paying your hospital bills sure whatever." I waved him off, smiling big. "Now eat it!"

He looked at me like I was insane, but did as I asked. He chewed agonizingly slowly. His expression didn't change at all as he swallowed it, watching me. "It's..." He chuckled, shaking his head incredulously. "It's really good."

I let out a triumphant laugh, earning a glare from the teacher. "I told you!" I grabbed another piece of dough, chewing it as I washed my hands.

Diego reached for more. "We don't need a cookie sheet!" He announced. "I don't fucking care if I get sick. This is amazing."

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