~4.1 - Diego~

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I swerved around a large group of kids right in front of the classroom door, all of them mumbling about something under their breath. Until I showed up. Then they were pushing each other urgently to get out of my way. The warning bell rang above the incessant hallway chatter as I reached the door. A note with microscopic handwriting was taped to the window. I squinted at it. You've gotta be kidding me.

Reaching forward, I grabbed the note and pulled it closer to my eyes. It was so small. I could barely even read it. Something about being absent and the library. I scoffed, letting go of the paper. I watched it flutter weightlessly to the ground. Apparently I had pulled it off the window while trying to read the teacher's words. I turned to look at the group still huddled around. There was no sign of Karla yet, even as the final bell rang.

I pointed at a girl I knew was a senior. "Hey, Sylvia."

The blonde looked up at me, a cute little smile on her face. "Yes Diego?" She batted her eyelashes at me while the brunette twin beside Sylvia twirled her hair.

Rolling my eyes, I bent down to grab the note. "You've got a tiny brain." I stood back up, enjoying the shocked look on her face. "Use it and tell me what this shitty note says."

Sylvia and Tressia were twins that could be mistaken for one person sometimes. They wore the same clothes, had the same pixie voices, and even had the same speech patterns and mannerisms. The only way to tell them apart was their hair colour and the slight personality difference; Sylvia was blonde, more outspoken, and super aggressive while Tressia was brunette, quiet, and shy. The two of them had a huge crush on me. I couldn't go anywhere without them following me, and it was annoying as hell.

Then Karla stepped into the picture. This was actually my first time seeing the twins since the school year started. It was a good plus to having Karla around, but not the only good thing.

Sylvia handed the note back to me. "It says that Mr VanDyke is absent today and the library is closed, so find somewhere else to study." She huffed. "Why are you so mean to us baby? Can't we just sneak off somewhere for a bit of fun?" She stepped forward. She was so close to me, I could look down and see straight down the red dress she was wearing.

For once, I couldn't care less about cleavage. Karla still hadn't showed up, and most of the crowd around the door had dispersed into the study alcoves scattered along the hall. "Look girls, I got McFarson off your backs, so hop off." I stepped around the twins, heading down the hall towards Karla's locker, or at least, where I assumed her locker to be. It was the direction she had gone just a little bit ago anyway.

I had only taken a few steps in that direction when Karla came around the corner a little ways down the hall. She smiled at me, but it seemed a little dim. I waved, grinning big as if I hadn't noticed. What's going on with her? First she was really exhausted, and now she looked distant. Did she not sleep last night?

Karla walked right up to me, her sketchbook and The Fault in our Stars held in her grasp. "I'm back." She smiled softly. "So how far into the book have you read?"

I blinked. "T-The book?" I pointed at her copy of The Fault in our Stars. "That one?" She nodded. "That book?"

She rolled her eyes, chuckling softly. "Our report is due by the end of next week."

"Do you even know what we're supposed to write the report on?"

Karla paused for a second. "Yeah. The book."

I shook my head. "But what about the book?" I smirked when she stayed silent. "Aww, poor Kitten."

She elbowed my stomach. "Shut up bitch, at least I've read the book."

I stuck my tongue out at her, laughing. "That's true I guess, but you can't write a joint report without me."

She rolled her eyes. "So why aren't you in class?" She looked past me, confused. "Why isn't anyone in class?"

Turning to look behind me, I realized that a lot of the class was there pretending to study. They were all watching us instead. Yeah, I caught you all looking. I nodded. "It's a free study hour." I explained. "Teach is gone and the library is closed."

I watched her confusion deepen, chuckling softly. I knew what she was going to ask. "Don't schools usually hire substitutes?"

"Not for classes I'm in." I smirked. "The principal doesn't wanna scare away every sub in the area, so how about we go hang out for a while?"

Karla nodded. "Outside sounds good to me."

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