~1.2 - Diego~

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I started down the hall, heading in the same direction as the girl. I cracked my knuckles, popping them back into place one at a time as I walked. The sound filled the hallway and echoed around people's gossip. A couple of the freshmen flinched away as the noise resonated behind their backs. I smirked; the wariness in people's eyes as I passed filled me with a sadistic pleasure. It was so sick, but I loved the thrill it gave me.

Behind me, hooting and hollering, came my friends. My gang. My posse. My minions. Anything you could think of to call them worked, some making me chuckle darkly. They all patted me on the back hard, congratulating me on my first win of the year. "It wasn't even a fuckin' fight." I growled under my breath. They must have 'forgotten' that one of my biggest irritations was receiving congratulations of any kind. Congrats weren't wanted and weren't needed. Too damn long of a word anyway.

A redhead rushed in front of me, turning to face me as we continued to walk. There was no problem with him walking backwards; we had long halls, and people moved quite a distance to stay out of our way. I rolled my eyes at his stupid grin and air of authority. He was my right hand man, and he loved to brag about it to everyone—even though the decision had been made two and a half years ago. It would've given me so much satisfaction to just shove him down, watching him flail as his Diet Fanta spilled all over him. I chuckled. That would be so awesome. I rolled my eyes instead, flicking my cigarette butt away. "What the hell do you want Malik?" Someone yelped in pain as my warm cigarette butt hit them, and I smiled smugly.

Malik shrugged. "I just wanted to say good job man." He took a swig of his soda. "I mean, come on Diego. You-"

"Malik," I grit my teeth. "Do you remember what happened last time someone decided to stick their bitch-ass nose into my business and congratulate me?"

The redhead paused for a moment, almost coming to a stop in front of me. Slowly, he shook his head, his eyebrows creasing as he tried to remember this occurrence. "I don't remember man." I scoffed as he continued to think. I had known he wouldn't remember. It had happened a few days before I had even heard of Malik. He shook his head, appalled. "But seriously dude, what sort of childhood trauma has made you hate positive comments?"

I smirked, noticing the faint flicker of fear in his eyes as he tried to change the topic a little. He knows that whatever I did, it wasn't good. "The last person that congratulated me... well, Delilah was never able to speak again." I grinned devilishly. The girl had been my second-in-command for only a couple weeks about two years back. Let's just say, I had never been too fond of her outside the bedroom. "Poor slut lost her tongue in a... a freak accident." I thought back to that day: Delilah had screamed so much, and I had honestly thought she would never stop. I had laughed for days as the wimpy sound echoed in my ears. After hearing her scream from just the first tiny cut, I had been disgusted that I had ever brought her into my little group.

Malik's smile wavered for only a second at the meaning of 'freak accident.' "Dude, I'm just saying. It's the first day and you're already dominating again."

He winked, my anger firing up once more. He obviously didn't understand that sexual jokes probably weren't the best thing for my irritation. Especially since it's been quite a fucking while since I've been in any kind of shitty relationship. I growled softly. My last sexual partner had been... Delilah honestly, and that was about two years ago. "Malik..."

The fiery-headed child ignored me. "It might be a new school year, but you still know the right way to abuse 'em." He held out his fist, expecting me to get rid of my annoyance in a snap and fist bump him.

Instead, I grabbed his wrist, pulling him close as I glared into his wide green eyes. He wasn't smiling anymore. "If you don't shut your goddamn mouth, I'm gonna punch your fuckin' lights out and you'll never have a reason to open it again. Got it?" Malik nodded quickly as the bell rang to signal the beginning of class. I shoved him to the ground, letting my anger lash out at him just a little bit more. "Get to class, all of you. Or else I'll be making you all into backpacks."

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