~3.2 - Karla~

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I stepped out of the bathroom, feeling eternally thankful for the hot water. Fluffen rushed out ahead of me, his fur wavy from all the steam floating out behind him. I chuckled softly, pulling my towel tighter around me. You're such a weird cat. Then again, most cats didn't like water. I wouldn't be surprised if Fluffen didn't like water since he didn't seem to be too fond of steam. I picked him up with my free hand, careful to keep the towel firmly in place.

"So what now baby?" I asked, placing him on my shoulder. He meowed softly as I headed down the hall to my bedroom. Just as I walked inside, my phone buzzed on my desk. I flicked on the light and picked it up. "Look babe, it's from Dieg-" I stopped, stunned. It's Diego? I didn't know how he got my number, or why he would want it anyway. I opened the text, sitting at my desk.

Diego: Hey Kitten. Are you up?

I frowned, slowly texting back.

Karla: Yeah. Why?

Diego: No reason. Just wanted to make sure you were okay after what happened yesterday.

Karla: Yeah. I'm fine. Thanks

Karla: How'd you get my number?

Diego: Phyre got it for me

Karla: Let's just say he owes me big time.

I scoffed. So how did he get it? It's not like my phone number was just lying around waiting to be picked up by someone. I set my phone down, but it buzzed the instant my fingers were off of it.

Diego: He has connections with the school because of... some things

I huffed in irritation. He was nice enough to explain how Phyre got my number, but he had prompted more questions in the process. I waited a minute to see if he would send anything else.

Karla: What things require a connection (or several) to the school?

Diego: He has some... odd medical issues. Asthma, OCD, and some sort of weird eating disorder, which isn't really a disorder. He just fakes it so he can take more drugs.

Karla: Oh, ok. That makes sense

Karla: Why did you want my number again?

Diego: To make sure you were alright. And because I thought we were friends.

I paused. Were we friends? I didn't have anything to base our relationship on, so I didn't really know what we were.

Karla: We've only known each other for two days and we've been fighting

Karla: Is that what a friendship is?

I sat waiting for a reply for about five minutes. Why won't he reply? Glancing at the clock next to my bed, I realized I still had almost three hours until I had to get ready for school. Maybe he lives a lot closer to the school than I do, and he fell asleep. I shrugged, getting up and setting my phone back down on the desk. I might not need to get ready for school yet, but I wasn't going to sit in my towel forever.

Fluffen slid off my shoulder onto the desk, curling up next to my phone. He was asleep in moments, purring softly. Silly cat. I grabbed a t-shirt and jean shorts from my closet, looking at them longingly. Carefully, I folded them up and set them on the ground. I swore that as soon as I committed to quitting, that would be the first outfit I wore. Instead, I reached for a dark sweater and leggings. The familiar rubbing of the sleeves on gauze soothed me.

My phone vibrated on the desk as I finished dressing. Fluffen jumped up in surprise, yowling in fear. I laughed, hanging my towel on the back of the chair and picking him up. It took a couple minutes to calm his quick beating heart. "Did the mean phone scare you baby?" I murmured, burying my face in his soft fur. He squeaked softly, nuzzling my chest. "Don't worry baby. I'll protect you from that nasty phone." I picked up the phone. It was Diego's reply.

Diego: You're right, it has only been a couple days, but that doesn't mean we aren't friends. Do you have any real friends? I mean, from the way you replied to me about us being friends, I would assume not. Don't worry Kitten. I'll be here forever.

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