~1.4 - Diego~

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I entered the library first, breathing in the familiar air of dusty old books. I was in here all the time when I skipped classes. Who would look for me in the library? I chuckled, some of my anger fading a bit. I could be smart when it came to anything other than schoolwork. I was horrible when it came to school—that, and I didn't even try to do anything—so my grades weren't the greatest. Straight E student.

A memory came to my mind from when I was still in elementary school. I had come home with a bad test grade after missing a couple days of school. I had been sick with the flu, and had been throwing up for days. Of course there had to be a math test the day my body decided to feel better. I had bombed that test. I showed my mamá the grade and started bawling my eyes out, telling her the other kids had called me dumb. She had frowned, wiping my tears away and handing me a fudgsicle. "One bad test grade doesn't make you dumb." She had explained as I stared up into her bright hazel eyes. "You can be as smart as you want to be mijo."

I grit my teeth, shaking the memory out of my head. My mamá's voice in my mind was the last thing I needed right then. I turned to Karla. She was looking up at me as if I knew where the book was. I gestured toward the aisles of bookshelves. "Lead the way Kitten." I sneered.

She frowned, looking at the shelves looming over us like hollowed out trees. "This is my first day at this school." She reminded me. "Why the fuck would I know where the book is?"

"Because you look like some bitchy kid that hangs out in libraries during your free time." I placed my hand on her back, biting my lip as I tried not to imagine how soft her skin might be under her sweater. I pushed her forward a couple steps. "Now go."

She scoffed, but continued walking anyway. "You're a horrible human being." She muttered, eyes busy scanning the shelves.

I smirked, but underneath my arrogant front, I was boiling over. What the hell is she trying to do? "Alas Kitten, I'm a king." I popped an imaginary collar, winking.

Karla laughed humorlessly, eyes cold as she continued searching. "A king takes council. He doesn't start fights over nothing." I saw a cruel smile twitching on the corners of her mouth. "You're one pathetic excuse for a king."

My anger flashed out of control for only a moment, but by the time it was under control again, I already had a tight hold on her wrist. She tried to pull her hand away and I tightened my grip. Finally, she looked back at me. Her face was void of emotion as her eyes met mine. I was kind of surprised by the lack of fear and pain. She's tougher than she looks.

I was a little scared of the abyss she had seemingly become too. Anyone that could just shut themselves off like that... My grip on her wrist loosened the slightest bit. When she pulled her wrist away, it caught me off-guard. "Don't touch me." She threatened, the black-hole gone.

I smirked, grabbing her wrist again, even tighter than before. Her small grimace of pain was barely noticeable, but it was like a blast of sunlight through the dark to me. "A king protects what is his." I snarled as I gestured around us. "All of this is mine." I pulled her closer to me. My eyes roamed her body, imagining the pale curves that her baggy sweater hid. I gripped her hip roughly with my free hand, leaning in close to whisper in her ear. "You, are mine."

We stood like that for a moment, but it felt like hours to me. She was too stiff with what I assumed was fear, and I... well, I just didn't want to pull away. Karla smelled like dead roses—too fragrant for most, but beautiful for others. Slowly, I kissed just below her earlobe, making her gasp in surprise. I paused for a few seconds, then leaned in sharply. I growled softly, biting her neck right where it connected to her shoulder. She jerked back a little, most likely irritated now.

I pulled back, letting go of her as I did so. I grinned. "Don't worry Kitten, It'll disappear soon enough." She glared at me in return, not saying anything. She didn't even touch her wrist, hip, or neck. All three spots must have been aching, but she refused to acknowledge it. Instead, she turned and continued searching the shelves. Impressed, I kept my mouth shut as well, thinking about how soft her skin was. After a few more excruciating minutes of following her through the library, Karla reached up and grabbed two books off the shelves. I chuckled as she stood on tiptoe to reach them. She's so fucking horrible. What right did she have to make me laugh one moment, and aggravate me the next?

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