~3.3 - Karla~

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There was a soft, hesitant knock at the door about half an hour after I sent my address. Fluffen jumped slightly, though he was stable enough to stay comfortably on my shoulders. I smiled, amused. I reached for the handle, thankful that Diego had listened to my text asking him to come to the back door. I hesitated, my hand an inch away from touching the metal. I was getting too close. If he's coming back to haunt me, I'm way too close. I didn't know what I was thinking when I had accepted the offer for coffee, donuts, and a ride. It was a stupid idea, yet I was still poised to open the door on what could possibly be the biggest mistake I'd ever make. It would be idiotic to open the door and go with him.

I opened it anyway.

Diego was leaning against the railing of my back porch, trying to act nonchalant. He looked a little out of place though. He was tall, and my porch... well it was a tight fit. It was also only 6:06 in the morning. He looked up as I opened the door. "I was a little worried I was at the wrong house." He smiled. "You got everything Ki—Karla?"

I nodded, reaching up to unlatch Fluffen from my shoulders. "Yeah, I just need to get him off."

Diego's eyes widened to the size of small plates. His brown irises seemed to glitter in the low light shining from behind me. "You. Have. A. Cat." He reached for Fluffen as I brought the squirming fur-ball around in front of me. He bit his lip excitedly. Honestly, he looked like a little kid about to ask for some candy. "Can I hold him for just a second please?"

Holding back a laugh, I handed Fluffen over. He seems so... human. I watched Diego cradle Fluffen gently against his chest, cooing softly as if holding a baby. Even after seeing him for the past two days, he hadn't really seemed capable of... much emotion I guess. "His name's Fluffen." I explained, picking up my backpack off the kitchen floor and turning off the light. "I got him about a week ago."

Diego tickled Fluffen's stomach, chuckling softly. "He's adorable." He admitted. "Hey there little guy. I'm Diego." He kissed my ball of fluff right between the ears, making the black kitten start purring.

My heart twisted with jealousy. My baby likes someone else! Yet... I didn't want to admit that there might be more to it. I didn't want to acknowledge the little voice in the back of my mind. Diego kissed your cat, but not you.

Diego looked up at me, smirking. "You better be taking good care of my friend. She's Kitten, just like you."

I sighed. Shaking my jealousy away, I took Fluffen from him gently. "Alright, enough molesting my baby." I giggled at the shocked look I received. Carefully, I set Fluffen on the kitchen floor and closed the door. "I'm ready."

I had expected a sports car to be waiting in my driveway. Something smooth and expensive. Something that looked fast. Something sleek. Instead, I found myself climbing into the passenger seat of a large black truck. Diego climbed up next to me, starting the engine. "Not what you expected?" He laughed, backing out of the driveway. "I saw the look on your face."

"Malik had a sports car." I reminded him. "I just sort of assumed you had one too. Though not a bright red one."

Diego shrugged. "Everyone in my little friend group has a sports car of some type, but I've never been a huge fan of expensive things. I have the money to afford it all, but it just seems stupid to buy something extravagant that I really don't need." He chuckled softly. "Besides, I'm too tall for an itty-bitty sports car."

I nodded, watching my street pass by. I was a little uncomfortable if I was being honest with myself. I don't know anything about being friends. Is silence a bad thing? I scrunched up my nose, trying to think of something to say. "So, um..." I grimaced, my mind clutching at straws. "I um... what are we going to do for the next two hours? You said coffee and donuts?"

We turned right off my street, heading away from the school. Diego grinned, noticing my awkward fumblings. "Yeah, I know of a really nice coffee shop that isn't too far away." Diego glanced over at me. "They have the best donuts you'll ever taste."

I rolled my eyes. "You're exaggerating. This city is so small I'm surprised it can be found on a map." I watched Diego as he focused on the road. "There's no way this place can have the best donuts. Not when you take into account that the world is huge." Believe me. I've traveled a lot.

He shot another quick look at me. "You'll fall head-over-heels for this place, you'll see." He insisted, turning into a nearly deserted parking lot.

There were only two other cars there, which I assumed belonged to employees. The building looked like an old diner: the windows were a little dirty, the corners of the building were starting to crumble, and the neon sign had two letters out. Is this seriously it? I frowned as Diego took the key out of the ignition. "Jennie's?"

When I had first come into town, I had driven around all over. I had wanted to get accustomed to my surroundings and scout out the best places. I had completely skipped over Jennie's. It looked like one of those shops in horror movies—the ones where the killer hides the victims and cooks their meat into burgers or whatever.

Diego pushed his door open and climbed out. I sighed, following suit. He was already walking towards the building's front door. I scoffed, following him. He held the door open, gesturing for me to go in. "They have way better coffee than Starbucks." I glared at him skeptically. He didn't look like he drank much Starbucks. "Please Karla?" His eyes glistened hopefully.

I sighed. He must really want to be my friend. I can't say no to him. I reasoned. After all, he gave me a ride. And he didn't hit me when I made him mad Monday. And he gave me food at lunch yesterday. And he made sure I was okay. And he was going to pay for whatever I got here. And... I had only known him for two days, but I kept thinking of all the nice things he had done for me. What have I done for him? Slowly, I stepped inside the coffee shop.

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