~1.3 - Diego~

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I sighed, stepping into the classroom. English. Ew. I hated reading. I hated writing. I hated pretty much anything that had to do with English except speaking it. I always flunked my English classes, but I never got held back or anything. The principle probably just wanted to get rid of me as soon as possible. He didn't have to worry though; I wanted out just as bad as he wanted me out, maybe even more.

The teacher's speech never faltered as he turned to look at me. He finished his sentence before clearing his throat. "Excuse me Mr Duilio, but may I ask why you've decided to present yourself as late to my class?"

I rolled my eyes. "You're new, aren't ya kid." It wasn't a question. I already know the answer to that.

He crossed his arms over his chest. "Go take a seat." He demanded. "I will not stand to have any of you young adults coming into my class tardy." The teacher glared at me coldly. He was almost scary.

Almost. I flipped him off, turning my head to survey the class. Every student recoiled from my gaze. I even heard one of them whimper in fear. I grinned, content. At least until my eyes fell on the girl from the hallway. She was sitting in a seat in the back row, bending over the desk. She looked like she was drawing or something. Her pencil was moving, but I couldn't see exactly what was going on from the front of the room.

I scoffed, glancing at the teacher. So he'll call me out on being late, but not her for so obviously not paying attention? I shrugged. It really wasn't my concern. If the guy had a death wish, then he had a death wish. It wasn't my place to judge him for it. I smirked, fixing my attention back on the girl. I started to move back there before I had even checked for empty seats. Idiot. Thankfully, the one next to her was free. People inched away from me as I strolled by. The fight was obviously still fresh in their minds.

Getting closer to the back, I realized with a jolt that the girl had her eyes closed. I frowned. What kind of fucked-up person uses a pencil without sight?

My backpack hit the ground as I slid into the empty seat, letting the teacher's voice continue to fade into the background. I chuckled softly as the girl's pencil froze. I expected her to look up at me in irritation, and my heart rose at the thought of seeing her eye colour. Instead, she kept her eyes closed, moving her arm to better block what she was doing. With short strokes, she continued moving her pencil around once more. I frowned, frustrated. I leaned closer to her, trying to see what the hell she was doing. Gritting my teeth when I couldn't see her little 'project' any better, I leaned back, then forward. Still, I couldn't see what was on that paper.

I slumped back in my seat. Fuming, I crossed my arms over my chest. Stupid girl. I hit my chest right over my fast-beating heart. Stupid heart. Why should I care what she was drawing? Why should I care that she was drawing with her eyes closed?

My anger deepened as the teacher said the words 'group project.' I hated group projects. I always failed them because I never had anyone stay as my partner. Everyone was afraid of me. They'd see that we were put together and immediately ask the teacher to work alone. The teacher always agreed. I didn't even try to do the work after that since I would never be able to get it all done on my own anyway.

The girl's head jerked up in shock, making me grin. Apparently I wasn't the only one who hated groups. I couldn't see her eyes from the angle I was at, but I did hear her mutter something under her breath, too quiet for me to make out. I looked up front at the smartboard to see a Google doc pulled up. The really tiny print was difficult to read, but I could see my name regardless. I dreaded finding out who my partner was, and there was really no point in knowing. I looked at the name next to mine anyway. I was partnered with... Karla? Who the fuck is that?

"Shit." I turned my head to see the girl beside me smoothing her notebook, which I realized was actually a sketchbook. She had accidentally begun to crumple it in the corner when she had leaned forward to see the board. My curiosity about what was on the paper was gone though. The sound of her voice replayed in my head over and over again. It had just been that one word, but that one word had been enough. She didn't speak, she fuckin' sang. Her curse had sounded like a melody, and I silently begged her to speak again.

The girl closed the book and set it carefully off to the side. She leaned forward again, squinting at the board as she tried to read who her partner was. A sudden thought rolled through my mind like a snowball, slowly getting bigger and gaining speed. I didn't know who this girl was, but I knew everyone in the school. I didn't know who Karla was either. So what if... What if this strange girl from the hallway is my partner?

I blinked, pushing the thought away. Even if she was my partner, she would end up asking to work by herself. Everyone did. I sighed, watching as she looked around the classroom, confused. I debated tapping her on the shoulder and asking who she was looking for when she turned her head to look right at me. The intensity of her stare shocked me.

Huh. Her eyes. They're grey.

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