Dreams Do Come True

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The sun was setting over the tree line, making the sky turn beautiful hues of oranges, pinks, reds, blues, and purples. I placed my head on Ash's chest, copying the position Paige and Kyle were in. The picnic we had was extremely filling, and I'm surprised I'm not in a food coma right now. The park was completely empty except for Paige, Kyle, Ash, and I.

Ash put a gentle hand on my back, quietly watching the sunset. The air was warm, but not humid. The grass was soft under my legs, not making us regret forgetting our picnic blanket. I yawned and sat up, plucking a few lilies and long strands of grass out of the ground and weaving them together out of boredom.

"And to think that my mum doesn't think that you're a good girlfriend," Ash mumbled quietly, turning so that he was facing me. I momentarily lost myself in his strong, icy blue eyes. The depleting light from the sun gave him an angelic glow. I put on the flower crown I made and laid down next to him again, turned on my side so I faced him.

"And to think that I once hated your guts," I said, remembering the day we met. How he was so annoyed at me for running into him. "Say, I don't think I ever got that apology."

"What apology?" He asked, looking at me with a sweet, almost lovestruck gaze.

"For running into me in the hallways. When we first met, remember?" His eyes widened as he remembered.

"Hmm, I don't think you've earned that apology," he said, sitting up and smirking at me. I sat up as well, sitting on my knees, and crossed my arms.

"And how do I earn it?"

He stroked his fake beard for a few minutes before looking back at me with eyes that seemed almost magical, mesmerizing me with how they sparkled.

"I think a kiss may persuade me," he said cheekily. I narrowed my eyes at him with a small smile and pecked him on the cheek. He frowned at me, but was obviously holding back some laughter.

"Apologize first and you'll get a real one," I promised. He sighed and took a deep breath, as if mentally preparing to do something dangerous. I rolled my eyes at his silliness.

"Okay, here it goes... I am sorry for being a dick when you ran into me," he said quickly, then feigned a gag as if he had just eaten something rotten. I giggled and stood up. "Hey!" He called after me as I began running. Paige and Kyle turned their heads in our direction and saw Ash chasing me, immediately pulling out their phones to record us.

"I got you!" I laughed as he stumbled over a tree root. Just as I thought I had gotten away, two hands grabbed my waist and lifted me up. I turned around and quickly grabbed onto Ash's chest so I wouldn't fall. I was inches away from his face, my legs wrapped around his back.

"Kiss, kiss, kiss!" Paige and Kyle chanted together, holding their cameras up. I laughed and leaned into Ash's  lips. He kissed back, holding his hand out to block the view from the cameras. My heart felt like it was going to explode from happiness and internally, I was dancing and cheering.

I guess sometimes dreams really do come true.

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