Awkward sleepover

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"Nice room," Ash said while looking around my room. Honestly, it was the simplest room I've ever seen. My egg chair is pretty cool, I guess, but that's about it. He looked around a bit, making me more nervous with each ticking second.

"So, you guys wanna play truth or dare?" Paige giggled. At least she was her normal, bubbly self. We all agreed and formed a triangle, knees touching, and I pulled out a mini bottle of Cola out from my fridge for us to use. Paige spun first and it landed on Ash.

"Truth," Ash said as soon as he saw who the bottle neck was pointing to.

"Wuss," I taunted. He rolled his eyes at me.

"Who was the the last girl you kissed?" Paige asked. I looked at the floor. I told never told her. She had no idea that her best friend has accidentally kissed her soon-to-be date that might turn out to be her boyfriend. Ash shifted quietly, and I could feel Paige's eyes burning into my soul. Or maybe that's what guilt felt like.

"The last girl I kissed was Ms. Awkward over here," Ash said smugly. My face burned with embarrassment, so much so that I thought my cheeks were bright enough to blind the sun. I pulled my hair to cover up the redness of my face.

"You kissed Kayla?" Paige laughed her adorable little chipmunk laugh. She wasn't upset? I watched Ace nod, almost proudly, out of the corner of my eyes. I bit my lip as the memory flashed before my eyes quickly. I was so clumsy.

"It was an accident," I blurted. I looked up from my hair to see them staring at me like I just called them both giant unicorn squirrels from Pluto. But I took the look as one that was requesting me to elaborate. "So I was texting you while tutoring him and he got curious and took my phone and held it out of reach and I may have punched home and knocked him over and kind of tripped and fell on top of him and we just kinda accidentally... kissed," I said in two breaths. Paige started laughing hysterically while Ace nodded in agreement of my confession

"That's how you wasted your first kiss? Kayla, I knew you were a klutz, but that's incredible," Paige said, almost gasping for air because she was laughing so hard. I went back to hiding in my hair. "Your turn, Ash." Ash spun the bottle and I watched as it slowly stopped on him. He spun again, landing on me. I groaned.

"You going to be a wuss like me or are you going to take a dare?" Ash asked, wiggling his eyebrows. I scoffed at how stupid he looked.

"Dare." I could take a dare. Dares are easy.

"I dare you to kiss me again." I let out a squeal of surprise, immediately clamping a hand over my mouth after it.

"Nope, I take truth." Ash rolled his eyes, probably at that fact that he thought I would actually do it.

"Fine. Why were you crying in the park? Paige was obviously lying," he challenged. I sucked in a breath. I could easily lie. Or would he notice?

"It's family stuff, dude."

"Don't 'dude' me if you're going to be a chicken," Ash sighed. Paige was biting the inside of her cheek, which was something she did when she got nervous.

"Okay, I found out that my step mum was cheating on my dad and I don't know how to handle it," I mumbled, really regretting each and each word as they were said. Ash looked at Paige with disbelief. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, glad to have that off my chest. But when Ash's arms wrapped around me, I sucked that breath right back in. "What are you-"

"Sorry, I didn't know it was that bad." He apologized? He. Apologized. To. Me. He doesn't apologize, though. Wasn't that the base of his reputation?

"Obviously. Now get your gross, sweaty hands off of me before your girlfriend gets jealous," I threatened. I sounded way angrier than I meant to, but Ash didn't question it. I spun the bottle and watched it land on Ash. I shot him and evil smile and let out a laugh to match it.

"Okay, dare," Ash sighed. Oh, this was going to be fun.

"I dare you to dress up like a girl and let me post it to the medias. No backsies." Paige giggled and Ash groaned. I love payback. He agreed and I ran into my room to get him one of my dresses and a pair of high heels I've never worn. I scrounged around my props box to find a brunette wig and foam lips on a stick. I handed them to Ash and told him to change into them.

"I probably just made Ash ten times hotter than he already was," I giggled before realising what I just said.

"Oh no, Sunshine, I'm out of your league. You can admire from afar, though," Ash simpered with a sneaky smirk. He was wearing my too-tight yellow sundress that came roughly to his unshaven knees, my two inch scrappy heels, and the brunette wig that made his blue eyes pop.

"I thought I said to stop with the nicknames," I groaned. Paige was laughing and taking a million pictures. I took a couple pictures and thought up some sassy captions for each one.

"Sunshine seems perfect for you, though! The irony is even more beautiful than me," he said, dramatically making a pose with duck lips with a stuck out ass and chest. I giggled and took another picture.

"I'm sending that one to your friends!" I squealed and scrolled quickly through my contacts lists. Ash gasped and made a grab for my phone, but I ducked and jumped onto my bed to get away from him. His wig fell off and was now lying on the ground. The dress was now slipping down his shoulders, showing the top of his chest. He tossed the heels off of his feet.

I was about to hit send to the group chat I'd created when Ash got me pinned against the wall, one of his hands pinning both of mine above my head, his other pressed on my bellybutton. My heart started to slowly implode. Paige was taking pictures. Ash was aware of how close he was, but never tried to put any space between us. I swear, we were only two inches apart. I gripped my phone tighter. If he wanted it, he'd have to move one of his hands.

"Okay, girls, what is... The hell?" My dad exclaimed. Holy crap. Why do parents always come in at the worst come times? Paige giggled nervously and tried to move slowly out of the picture. Ash was frozen. I was frozen. Dad looked very confused and had just the slightest hint of amusement. "..okay then... As long as you keep it down and use protection, I'll just forget I saw this." He didn't. He did not just.. Oh my God. My nonexistent innocence is ruined.

"Dad, no!" I squealed. I could feel the redness spread up my neck and reach my ears. Dad shrugged and closed the door again. I could feel the awkwardness between me and Ash, though it was probably all from me.

"We really need to stop these awkward positions, " I mumbled, hoping Ash would let go.

"Oh, you know you love me," Ash said to me with a wink.

I wrinkled my nose and shook my head, "You WISH I loved you." I sneakily hit send on my phone. Ash didn't notice, he was distracted by something. I swear, boys are so confusing. "Go change, I can't take you seriously in that dress," I giggled. The giggles were fake. I just really wanted him off of me. The tornado in my stomach suggested otherwise, but Paige was watching. I had completely forgotten about Paige!

"Thank God," Ash laughed and let go. He had forgotten the whole reason why he was pressed against me in the first place. I watched the group chat react to the absurd photo of Ash as he was in my bathroom changing. Why was I acting so normal about a boy in my room? I've never had a boy in my room before, other than relatives.

"Oh my God, you guys really had something going on there. I thought for a second that you were about to start getting it on," Paige laughed. I rolled my eyes and punched her playfully in the arm.

"Shut up, I would never. Not if he was in that dress, at least." Ash walked back out in his T-shirt and shorts. "Hey, looks like your friends were really digging your new look," I laughed as I showed Ash his friends responses. He quickly snatched my phone and looked through the messages. He glared at me and shook his head.

"I'll get you back, just you wait. Anyways, I've got to go. Can't let mum know I was sneaking out with girls until midnight." He climbed back out of the window after tossing me back my phone. How often has he done stuff like this? Sneaking into girls' rooms without the parents knowing?

Another oneee❗️you guys I'm so shocked that I was able to write three full chapters in less a than a day

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