Spring break (part 1)

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I ran around my room, packing my clothes and toiletries and a few extra luxuries at random. I had, of course, made sure each outfit piece would be fine for the weather, and that I grabbed the right thing, but it was in no specific order. Paige had her grey suburban outside and waiting for me. She had already picked up everybody else, I was the last person to get before we started our two hour trip to the lake house.

I rummaged through my drawers, looking for my bikini. I grabbed the two pieces and folded it into my duffel bag before zipping it up. Okay, I have everything. I dragged my duffel bag with me down the stairs before kissing dad goodbye and running outside to meet everyone.

"Finally, Kayla !" Paige said in an exasperated voice. "Okay, here's the names: Ash, Kyle, Morgan, Jewl, Ben, and Christine. We good? Gimme your bag and we'll go!" I handed her my bag, she threw it in, and we all piled into the car. I slid into the back row while they all fought over the seats up front. Of course Kyle had shotgun, since he was Paige's boyfriend now and she was driving. I drowned out all of their voices by popping in my ear buds and turning on "I'm Me" by Us The Duo.

"You, you, and you sit here, you and you can sit back there with Kayla . Okay? Hurry up, I don't wanna be late!" I heard Paige settle things through my music. I moved over so that I could have a window seat. I watched as Morgan, Christine, and Ben sat up front and Jewl and Ash slide in with me back here.

Morgan was in my maths class with me. He has black hair, brown eyes, and olive skin. He's quiet and very passive, tending to stick to his books more than his "friends."

Jewl was a friendly band girl, she plays the clarinet. She has strawberry blonde hair like Paige, though hers is styled in a Bob. Her skin is also pale skinned and freckled, but her eyes are a crystal blue. Not quite as pretty as Ash's icy blue.

Ben is someone I've never met before. He has blonde hair, grey eyes, and tanned skin. He's also got a bit of muscles, but I learned that he's dating Christine.

Christine is tall and plays for our girls basketball team. She has frizzy black hair that she keeps in a bun at all times, dark skin, and brown eyes. No wonder why Ben wanted to date her, she's extremely pretty and nice, but knows how to defend herself.

Kyle is Paige's boyfriend, he has been since yesterday. He looks just like Jay, which makes sense, since they're twins. He treats Paige with respect and kindness, which she returns exactly. They're made for each other.

"Hi, I'm Jewl Hughes!" I heard Jewl chirp to Ash as we began our trip. I lowered my music's volume so that I could hear what they were saying.

"Ashton Anderson ," he replied blandly. Hmm.

"So, do you have any favorite songs or something?"

"Uh, I guess I like..." He drifted off, looking for an answer. An evil smirk appeared on my face.

"My Little Pony," I answered for him. Ash looked at me, first with a bit of anger, then with embarrassment. "You should sing it, kitten!" Embarrassing Ash could become my new hobby if I didn't have a life.

"What? I don't even know the lyrics!" Ash lied. It wasn't very obvious that he was lying, but I knew he could probably sing it backwards in German.

"Kitten?" Jewl asked, sounding a little offended.

"That's him," I simpered before turning my music back up again and watching the scenery pass us through the window.


"Get off of me, you fat turd," I grumbled and pushed Ash off of me. He had fallen asleep on my shoulders, which I used as a semi-blanket and went to sleep as well. But now we were here and he was crushing me against the door. I looked out the window and was greeted by an amazing sight. The lake house was absolutely gorgeous, a cabin-like, two story house with a dock that led to the lake. I can't believe I'm lucky enough to stay here for a full week!

"Shh... Sunshine, I'm cold," he whispered in a husky voice that made me melt on the inside. No, get it together, Kayla!

"Well then sit up and get your ass moving or else I'll dump you into the freezing lake," I threatened. He snuggled closer for a second before sitting up and stretching.

I managed to push the door open and immediately my legs tried to give out under me. I groaned and stretched my legs, which seemed to only put them in more pain. I hate the aftermath of car trips. I stumbled to the back of the car like a drunk turtle, barely able to keep my eyes open.

"Stop being such a zudbrowl," Paige complained, using our made up word for party pooper. I made up that word when I was seven. Hey, it was five in the morning and I hadn't slept for 24 hours, what did you expect seven year old me to do? She passed me my duffel bag and I wobbled inside, my walk steadying with each step. Everyone else was inside already, though they looked like they were ready to pass out on the spot. Paige walked in as her peppy self and got us started with the ground rules.

"I have enough food to last us for at least two weeks, the bathroom is freshly stocked with toiletries, we have a linen closet for those of you who might have forgotten theirs, and please respect other people's privacy. Don't break anything, be careful with stuff that looks expensive, and have fun!

Now for the rooms. We have four rooms, eight people. Kayla and I will share a room, Christine and Jewl will share another, Ash and Morgan can share a room, and Ben and Kyle can share one. We good? Good. Now go upstairs and find a room, they're all pretty much the same. And there's one bathroom down here, another upstairs. Go, go, go!" She finished and we all raced to get a room.

I snagged one with a bed next to a bay window. It had a Paige print wallpaper, sheer purple curtains that slightly hid the bay window, a large wardrobe, a fluffy white carpet on the hardwood floor, and a small bedside table next to the one bed. There was no other bed. "Uh, Paige? Where's the other bed?" Paige poked her head in and gasped.

"I totally forgot! This room is my favourite. Dibs on the bay window!" She squealed and started setting up. I shrugged and threw my bag onto the bed. We both started unpacking our things. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and check the time. 8:56PM. I groaned and flopped onto my bed. A tiny power nap before supper won't hurt. I closed my eyes and almost immediately passed out.

Music was playing in the background. It was a slow dance song. I looked around and saw people in large, poofy dresses and tuxedos of all different kinds. Everyone wore the same white mask. Nobody was talking, it was just the sound of music and swaying feet.

A cough echoed through the ballroom, making everybody stop and look at the suspect. But they were all looking at me. Why me? I didn't cough. I tried to walk away, but I was frozen in place. Just like in my usual nightmare.

The music stopped, replaced by a loud screech. I was petrified as the mouths of each of the guests slowly opened to show a Venus-FlyTrap-like mouth inside. They all started running towards me and I let out a scream.

My eyes shot open and I sat straight up, my heart racing. That was a new nightmare I never want to relive. I looked around, saw the time being 10:03PM and that Paige wasn't in here, and made my way downstairs. The smell of Alfredo wafted into my nose and the sound of laughter hit my ears. At least now I was a bit more rested.

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