Not A Damsel In Distress

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I groaned and squinted my eyes open to look around at the dark room. My head pounded relentlessly as I sat up. Where the hell am I? This is most definitely not school, or my house, or even Paige's house.

It was a baseball themed room, I think. The walls were painted a deep cerulean blue, baseballs carefully stenciled in a random pattern. There was a black desk with a hutch, baseballs and trophies and ribbons all decorating the top, books and papers stacked neatly to the side. A small bedside table next to me had a simple lamp, a fan, and a few books on it. The full size bed that I was lying on was covered with a comforter that matched the walls, and three simple royal blue pillows were placed at the head of the bed.

I stretched, ignoring the pain it brought my stinging back, and stumbled out of the bed. I was not in my original clothes anymore, a long tee that covered my knees replacing it instead. My clothes was folded neatly by the door, and my shoes placed on top of the clothes. How long had I been asleep? And whose room was I in? Who changed me? Questions raced through my head as I looked around the room.

Curiosity got the best of me when I saw four pictures lined up on the desk. The first one was of a young boy and his parents. The second was of the same boy, slightly older, sitting on his dad's shoulders and holding a sparkler. His mother was standing in the background, smiling at a baby in her hands. The third was of the boy holding a baseball mitt in hand, a cap in the other. His parents weren't in that picture. The fourth was of... I blinked and looked back at the picture in disbelief. Why was I in Ash's room? How did I get here?

"Looks like somebody's a little snoopy. Sit down before you pass out again." I squeaked and turned around towards Ash's teasing voice. He was leaning on the doorway, a wet cloth in one hand and a half eaten granola bar in the other.

"I'm fine. How did I get here?" I quizzed with a pained tone. Even simply raising an eyebrow seemed to hurt my head even more. He sighed, finished his granola bar, and walked over to me.

"You're not fine. Sit down and I'll explain," he compromised quietly. Were his parents in the house? Did they not know? Why was he being so quiet? I frowned and sat quickly on the ground, then held my throbbing head. God, Kayla, stop being so stubborn, I scolded myself.

"Okay, I'm sitting. Now answer: how long have I been asleep? Who changed me? How the bloody hell did I get here?" Ash chuckled at my demanding tone as if I was a baby kitten trying to act like a huge lion. I huffed and crossed my arms, waiting for my answers.

"I brought you here from the clinic because your dad had a meeting after school. You've been out cold for the past two to three, maybe four hours. I'm not quite sure, the time's gone by quickly," he admitted. I stayed silent, trying to remember what happened. I know I got into a fight with Cartney, I got detention, and I went back to class, but the memories stop after that.

"And who changed me?" Ash looked away, as if wanting to avoid that. I raised an eyebrow, ignoring the pain it brought.

"Er, I did. Don't worry, I kept your, uh, undergarments on. The shirt's clean, by the way." My heart exploded and my face burned with embarrassment as his words processed. Ash looked down at his feet before a small female voice called from downstairs.

"Ash? Is the lady awake?" The innocent voice asked. Ash smiled softly at the voice. He mouthed the words, "My sister," and I nodded.

"Yeah, she is! Come upstairs Ali," he responded loudly. I cringed at his volume, which I hoped he didn't see. Moments after his response, a small girl with brown hair and eyes, and crooked teeth front teeth in her smile poked her head through the door. I could see the similarity in their face and immediately knew that they were obviously siblings.

"Mummy is at the grocer, and Daddy is still in Florida for the next week," she told Ash, reading off of her phone. How does she have a phone when she looks and sounds like she's only six or seven years old? I didn't get a phone until last year!

"Okay, Ali, thanks. Uh, this Kayla. Kayla, this is Ali, my six year old sister." Ali stepped forward to shake my hand. I took her small hand in mine and shook it gingerly. After we released hands, I attempted to stand up.

"Careful, E
Kayla ," Ash warned me as I stumbled to find a grip. My head spun briefly, but I recovered.

"I'm gonna go play dollies with Violet, bye bye!" Ali chirped before skipping out of the room. My heart melted slightly at her sweet innocence, and also for the fact that it seemed like her dad is a workaholic like mine used to be.

"Who's Violet?" I asked quietly. Ash watched me with wary eyes as I attempted to stand by myself, although it was very clumsily. Was it normal for legs to feel like jelly like mine did?

"Ali's imaginary friend." He watched me give up and simply lean against the wall before adding, "My God, you're hopeless." He picked me up, one arm under my knees and the other behind my back, and carried me to his bed. I pouted as he carried me, but I honestly really enjoyed being held by his strong arms and loved the ability to hear his steady heart beat. Too soon he put me down. I huffed and crossed my arms in a frustrated manner, which seemed to amuse him.

"You don't need to treat me like I'm a damsel in distress, I'm fine."

"You literally fainted in my arms," he countered. I have no memory of that, but then again, my memory stopped after I left the principal's office.

"So?" I had no argument, which made me feel vulnerable and weak. I didn't like it at all. Ash's eyes sparkled in the darkness of the room, even as he sat himself next to me. Even though we're dating, I still constantly feel my heart palpitating whenever he's near, and nervous butterflies reappear in my stomach whenever his name is mentioned.

"So maybe... maybe you should just stop arguing," he leaned in closer, tilting my chin so I had to look into his calm eyes, "and agree with me for once." The space between us was gone, our lips locking, eyes closed. I pulled a gently hand through his hair, melting into him. My heart was beating so loudly, so quickly, that I thought he might hear it. His hand rested on my bare thigh under my long shirt, sending an electric feeling up my spine.

I pulled away slowly, regretting it quickly. Ash's eyes opened, shining with lust and a playful smirk danced on his lips. I smiled at him, biting the inside of my lip to try and destroy my internal desire. I didn't want to be caught by his sister, or worse, his mother.

"I... need to get home," I whispered hesitantly. Ash nodded quietly and allowed me to stand up. My stomach clenched as he placed a hand on my back to steady me. "Where's the restroom? I need to change."

"First door down the hall," he said in a husky voice that made me want to melt right back into him. I nodded and picked up my clothes, walking out quickly. Why did I have to be so awkward about these things?

I found the bathroom and entered, locking the door for safety. I quickly slipped off his shirt and replaced it with my white polo shirt that was stained on the collar with blood from my nose. I pulled on my high waisted jeans , then my jacket, and slipped on my shoes. I examined myself in the mirror, find every flaw in my face: my eyes were too large; my nose was awfully shaped; there were several bruises from my fight and a permanent scar on my forehead from my childhood. There were so many flaws on my body compared to Carina, Jewl, and Cartney.

So why would Ash choose me?

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