Mission Migirane

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I weaved my way carefully through the crowded halls, just trying not to get squished on my way to English. Paige had a super bad migraine this morning before school, according to the text she sent me in Science. I think she got it from something annoying that happened during our vacation, which ended yesterday, sadly. Now I just have to survive through the rest of school before I can go and cheer her up. You see, Paige doesn't get migraines often. But when she does, they're extremely painful and can last for at least 20 hours, her longest lasting a whopping 46 and a half. But I now know exactly what she likes when she has a migraine: Lindor chocolates, mini raviolis, sleep, stories, and classical music.

Just 5 more hours.


"Okay, I got the stuff, are your parents still at work?" I asked while walking into Paige's adorable little room. She was curled up on her bed, which was covered with purple blankets and pillows, all with different patterns. Kyle was holding her gently, stroking her hair affectionately. They're such a sweet couple.

"Uh-huh. Can you turn on some quiet Moonlight Sonata?" Paige requested quietly. Her room was dim, only lit by her purple faerie lights she had strung over her bed frame and two lavender candles she had on her desk. I nodded and turned on her playlist of classical music.

"Are you hungry?" Kyle asked. Paige nodded once and snuggled closer to him. I had a preheated thermos for her in my backpack that I'd left downstairs. I excused myself and made my way gingerly down the stairs. Her house was an elegant two story with three bedrooms, three bath. Paige's mum is a veterinarian and her father is a successful orthodontist, which means that she has a pretty wealthy life. Especially as an only child. But her parents aren't home as often as she wanted, though they do pay plenty of attention to her when they are home.

I reached the bottom step and speed walked over to the door, which is where I left my supply filled backpack. I grabbed my backpack and started running back to and up the stairs. Once I made it to Paige room, Kyle had gotten her to sit up. I pulled the ravioli thermos out of my bag and handed it to her with a spoon.

"Thank you." Paige got hold of the bowl and blew on her spoon to cool it down. I sat down on her bed and sighed. Her room was like a second home to me, I've been here so many times. It reminds me of when we first became friends.

"Do you remember when we first met?" Of course she did. Paige nodded. I closed my eyes and let the memories enwrap me. It was the second week of Pre-K, I still didn't know anyone.

The nice teacher, who's name I don't remember, called for lunch time. I had a simple paper brown baggy with a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich, baby carrots, packaged animal crackers, and a small sippy cup of milk in it. But my milk had spilled and ruined my sandwich and carrots. So I didn't have a lunch. I saw a girl with pretty hair and eyes that I envied. I made my way over to her, hoping to maybe get a bite of her food.

"Hi, I'm Kayla!" I squeaked, holding out my little hand. The pretty girl looked at me for a moment before timidly taking my hand with hers, which was even smaller.

"I'm Paige ," she responded. Paige had brought a PBJ as well, but with grapes and water. She also had a package of cheese crackers stuffed in the bottom of her actual lunch box. "Do you want my crackers for yours? I don't like the cheese," Paisley offered. I quickly took up the offer and traded crackers. Thus began our amazing and still-lasting friendship.

I snapped back from my short flashback to find Paige asleep in Kyle's arms. I smiled to myself and took away the thermos that was still held in her hands. It's so funny how we've been here for each other for so long. All because of crackers. No, not just because of the crackers, but they did spark the friendliness. I guess a lot of the best friendships started in the funniest of ways.

"I need to get home. Make sure she gets to bed, will you, Kyle?" He nodded and I packed up. Dad has already gotten a text that told him I had to help Paige with her migraine, which he completely understands. But Dad doesn't like me staying out past 10, and it's already 8:50.

Hey, guys! Sorry for the short chapter, this was just a filler/background of Paige and Kayla's friendship and how it came to be. Anyways, you can be expecting a much better chapter very soon!

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