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"You said you'd stay home! Does your Dad know?!" Paige groaned. She caught me on the way to gym class, much to my disappointment. I was cornered in the hallway by Paige and Ash, each with a stern look on their face.

Being near Paige makes me slightly happy, knowing he had rejected Cartney over me, but that slight happiness was overpowered by my nervousness of both of them being... was it disappointment? Or annoyance? Let's just say that they were not pleased with my presence.

"I'm fine," I lied, "so get that stick out of your bum and let me go to gym class." To be honest, I felt my weakest at the moment, but I'm too much of a stubborn donkey to admit it. Especially to them.

"Kayla, you are not fine. Your skin is way paler than normal and you're slouching. You never slouch," Ash pointed out. It was true, I rarely slouch. Tris was a biggie on having a good posture, which I completely agree with.

"So? Maybe I'm just a little tired," I countered, crossing my arms defiantly. Ash put his hand on my forehead, surprising me enough to make me shirk away quickly.

"Reflexes," Paige said, clicking her tongue. I sighed and dropped my chin to my chest.

"Why can't you guys just trust me when I say that I'm fine?" I whine.

"Because you're a stubborn asshole who doesn't listen to anyone," Ash said blatantly. I glared at him and rolled my eyes, but the pain that shot through my body made me wince.

"Kayla...," Paige pleaded, grabbing hold of my arm. I scoffed and pushed her grip away, which only got me even more cornered.

"That's it, if you'd don't admit that your still unwell, I'll just have to pick you up and carry you home myself," Ash said. He crossed his arms in a mocking manner. I stuck my tongue out at him and looked away. "Oh my God, stop acting like such a baby," he groaned and threw me over his shoulder.

"Hey! I have no approbation of this, put me down!" I squealed, squirming and slapping his back. He huffed and walked out weigh Paige following behind him, a stern look still on her face as she crossed her arms.

"Oh, look, she has fancy words to say," Ash said sarcastically as he walked down the main hallway. I pouted and slapped the back of his head. The Principal passed us as Ash carried me towards the door.

"What exactly do you think you're doing?" Dr. Robinette asked in a sharp manner. Paige squeaked and turned to face our bull of a principal.

"She's hurt and won't admit it," Paige said, pointing her finger at me. I shrugged to Dr. Robinette, as if accepting the truth.

"Put her down," Dr. Robinette groaned. Ash's grip on my back loosened and I took the opportunity to free myself. I fell off of his shoulder and landed on the hard tiled floor with a yelp.

"Watch out, Sunshine," Ash joked, bending over and extending a hand to help me up. I took his hand and allowed him to help me stand up, completely forgetting our principal's presence in that moment. I pressed my palm to my forehead when I stood up, trying to press the pain away.

"See? She's hurt even more now!" Paige squealed. She grabbed my wrist but I swatted her hand away. She made a "tsk" sound and shook her head.

"Go back to your classes," Dr. Robinette said. I gave Ash and Paige a cheeky grin and started walking to the gymnasium. "Not you, Miss Ross. You go to my office. Now." I groaned and turned around, walking towards the door I dreaded. Paige and Ash made their way to the gym while I opened the office door. Dr. Robinette followed in and took a seat at his desk.

"Wasn't Cartney's suspension effective immediately?" I asked, starting the interrogation that I've wanted to start for a while.

"Yes, well... Cartney's suspension has been lifted due to classified evidence," Dr. Robinette said calmly.

"What?! I'm sorry, but I want to know this classified evidence." I wasn't really sorry, it's just something I often say. Weird, I know.

"I am afraid that you don't understand the meaning of the word 'classified'." He appeared bored, as if this conversation wasn't extremely important. Or, at least, it was to me.

"I do understand the meaning, but I'm not pleased with the fact that Cartney can get away with the many horrendous things she's done and said to me. Oh, don't tell me that she isn't in trouble because of her father's power," I groaned, realisation hitting me hard in the head. Cartney's father is the Deputy Mayor, which makes me wonder why Cartney doesn't just go to one of the private schools that we have here.

"Information of you being the bully has come up. Her father's hold in office has nothing to do with her lifted suspension."

"Me? A bully? Never! Maybe I can be sarcastic or witty, or even a little rough and abrupt when defending myself, but the idea of bullying nauseates me," I defended honestly. "Don't you have cameras in the hallways that run twenty-four-seven?"

"Yes, we do."

"I would like to see the footage that gives any sort of proof of me bullying her."

"The footage is confidential to any and all students."

" 'Confidential' my ass," I said, standing up. "I would like to see the footage. Immediately." Confidence filled my spirits, giving me excitement of busting Cartney. I felt like a cop from those detective shows or whatever.

"Get out of my office and go to class," Dr. Robinette said, pointing to his door. My confidence dissipated, my heart dropping. I bit my lip and turned to his doors, silently opening them and walking out.

So much for being a cop from a detective show.

I wonder what happens next because I swear that Cartney will find herself in more trouble if I get suspended

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