You Are The Only Exception:Ch 10 {Teacher/Student Relationship}

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~You Are The Only Exception: {Teacher/Student Relationship}~

*Drum roll*

Chapter 10!


Hope you enjoy!!


I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples. 'Just perfect.'

I had to think of something, I couldn't just leave. Someones bound to see

me, I just know it. Well, I need to think of something, and fast.

I put the hood of my jacket up and got up. I grabbed my bag and started walking,

until I heard the librarian talking to someone.

I stopped and listened.

"Hi there, can I help you." She said.

"Uh yes, I'm looking for Michelle Martinez, has she passed by the library."

That all too familiar voice echoed through my ears. 'He wasn't kidding.' I

thought. The librarian knows my name, I wonder if she will.....

My hands started getting clammy, and I could hear my heart beating with

the suspense.

"No, sorry, I haven't see Michelle lately."

"Alright, thank you ma'am."

I put a hand over my heart and took a deep breath. I heard a door open and

close and knew Mr. Thompson was gone. I walked toward the counter

where the librarian was checking in books.

"Thanks." I said while smiling.

"Sure sweetie, but you might want to leave. I have a feeling he'll be back."

I was about to leave, but I had to ask something. "But why did you-"

"Your one of the few students that, actually come to the library for peace

and quiet. If I were you, I'd do the same thing." She said while smiling


I smiled and started walking again. I felt edgy, like if I turn a corner I'd

run into him. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and jumped. I glanced at

the screen. '1 New Message', I hesitated, but open it.

Everett: This is like a game of hide & seek...... Well Angel,.............. your hiding

and I'm seeking.

I stopped walking and stared at the screen. I heard footsteps in the hall I was

about to turn into. I peered around the corner to see who it was.

'Holy shit.' I thought as I saw Mr. Thompson opening the door to the gym.

'Great! Just Great!' I thought and began backing away. I saw a girls' restroom to

my right and opened the door quickly. I went to the sink and splashed

some water on my face to calm me down. I heard the door open and I saw


"Michelle!" She said with wide-eyes.

"Yeah, now shhhh!" I said above a whisper.

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