You Are The Only Exception:Ch 7 {Teacher/Student Relationship}

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~You Are The Only Exception: {Teacher/Student Relationship}~

Yes! Chapter 7!!! :D

I hope everyone enjoy it!! (:



My next class went fine. Art was one of my favorite classes.

There was still about thirty minutes still left in class.  

So I decided to go to the bathroom to stretch my legs and to  

get out of class. There was still a lot of buzz about the 

incident of the lunch room.

I walked down the hallway slowly and I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. 

I checked around the hall to see if anyone was coming.

I quickly took my phone out an saw 2 New messages. I opened the first one 

to see that it was from my Dad.

Dad: I love you. Hope to see you soon- 1:15pm


The next message was from... My Dad's wife......

Veronica: Even if you hate me, I will always love you. -1:30pm

What the fuck!? Ugh. She makes me so angry.  

Did she think my dad had 'Single?' 

written on his forehead when she first saw him.

I stood in the hallway reading both of the messages over again and  

especially.....Veronica's. Suddenly my phone was taken from my hand.

"Confiscated" the all too familiar voice said. I didn't even have to look 

up to know who it was.

"Your joking. Right?" I said looking into Mr. Thompson piercing green eyes.

"Nope. School rules." He said while smirking and walking away. 

I signed loudly so Mr. Thompson could hear me and I swear  

I heard him chuckled.

I went walking back to class sulking about not having my phone.


I was the first one in Physics 'Just my luck' I thought.

I remembered about my assignment and dug into my bag for it.  

I saw Mr. Thompson walking out of the equipment room and  

was walking to his desk. I stood up and walked towards him.

"Here." I said giving him my paper. Mr. Thompson looked at the paper 

then paper then looked at me confused. 

"I knew you were lying!" I said through gritted teeth  

and walked back to my lab table.

"Wait Mich-- Miss Martinez."

I looked around the classroom to see more people coming in.  

I sat down and noticed Mr. Thompson walking towards toward me.

You Are The Only Exception {Teacher/Student Relationship}Where stories live. Discover now