You Are The Only Exception:Ch 30 {Teacher/Student Relationship}

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~You Are The Only Exception: {Teacher/Student Relationship}~

Chapter 30


I sighed again, and stared down at the note card in front of me. I had sat at a table, which was located at the back of the library, and I was glad I was hidden by the shelves. I had my pen in hand, and not one single note card done. Today was friday meaning all fifty were due today.

I groaned, and rested my forehead on the table. On the weekend Everett never called me, and I had my hopes up for this week, but it slowly decreased by the day. He never looked at me, or talked to me. It's like he knew, that I knew.

It was true too. All week I've been hearing how 'cute', and 'perfect' they looked together. By today all those gossip about them had died down slightly. Of course Rikki, and Derek wanted to beat the shit out of Everett, but after hours out convincing them the reason they shouldn't they stopped. Sam was comforting. I basically spent this whole week at home doing homework. Obviously not doing Physics. I don't know why, but I just couldn't concentrate when it came to this class.

"Ms. Martinez." I heard a voice say. An all to familiar one that I wish I'd forget already. And soon, if that were possible.

I didn't look up or speak. I was still kind of shocked. This was the first time he's spoken to me. I felt my heart beat quicken, and my stomach do flips.

"I don't have your one perfect note card, and by the looks of it," his hand came into my view as he gestured towards my stack of note card. " you haven't started any. You do realize their due at the end of class, right?"

I closed my eyes, and started remembering what Riley told me. 'Ignore him. Show him you don't care.' I mentally nodded.

"Is there a reason why you aren't doing them?" he asked. A hint of irritation in his voice.

I placed my pen on the table, and rested my hands in my lap. I turned my attention to the loose string on my jacket. I tried my best to tune him out, but it was harder than I thought.

"I want that perfect note card at least."

I bit the inside of my cheek. This was harder than I thought, trying to shut someone out. I don't know how newly parent do it to their talkative three years old.

A fist slamed it the table, and I flinched, and jumped at the sound. "Damn it, Michelle." he whispered harshly. "Quit your shit."

I felt my bottom lip quiver. This was nothing new, he's yelled at me before, but something about him yelling at me now. I don't know, it just made my heart ache more,

I heard him sigh. "If you show me that note card after school. I'll give you credit for both, but you'll have to show me the rest of your note cards on monday." and with that he left.

I stared down at the note card in front of me again. I sighed. I was merely nothing to him apparently, and eventually I'll get over him. I picked up my pen, and started writing. I followed the example he had given us on monday, and soon enough I finished. Everything seems perfect about it.

I finally noticed that the bell had rang. I pulled out my head phones, and looked at the time. It had already been twenty minutes since it rang. I gathered my things, and head towards the science wing. I stood infront of his door, and gave my note card, that was in my hand, one final look.

Without knocking on his door I opened it, and I immediately heard a kiss breaking. I looked up in time to see Coach Jane climbing off Everett lap, and she looked away embarrassed. Everett was currently leaning back in his chair, his hair screamed make-out session. Both their faces flushed, and their lips red.

My perfect note card was now crushed in my fist. My eyes met Everetts, and I saw... guilt. I ignored it, and turned on my heels, throwing my note card in the trash, and walked out. I felt my chest hurting, and it was hard to breathe. I walked out the double doors that lead to the parking lot to see my moms car parked there. I wiped the stray tear that had fallen.

I climbed into the car, and let out a heavy sigh. "How was your day?" she asked with a smile on her face.

"Like the rest of this week. Shitty."

"Language." she warned. "I'm sorry."

"No I am. For being stupid."

She ignored me. "I saw your grades, your barely passing Physics."

"I know. It's just hard to concentrate in there now. Besides it's doesn't matter if I fail anyway, It's not a required course for me."

I turned to looked out the window, while she sighed. "I know it isn't, but just keep it above a seventy-five at least."

"I'll try."

As soon as we got home, I went straight to my room. I had a long weekend ahead of me, and I know for a fact I'll spend most of it thinking, which was one thing I didn't want to do. So instead I decided to sleep the rest of the day today, and start on the note cards tomorrow, and sunday is still free. That has to change.


My whole saturday went to Physics, which I didn't mind because I was busy doing note cards all day. My sunday went to sleeping, getting up eating, bathroom, and back to bed. It was pretty much a lazy day. It reminded me of that Bruno Mars song. I was now sitting in art waiting for the bell to ring, and then it was off to my most dreaded class.

As soon as the bell rang, I made my way to the library, and sat at the same table. Soon everyone was working on the next thing on the list, which was the rough draft. It needed to be double space, font of ten, a title, heading and footer, and a minimum of eight pages long.

I pulled out my note card, and placed them on the square table. It was maybe ten minutes into class, when suddenly an all too familiar arm came into my view. He started sliding over something in my direction, and when he pulled his hand off it, I noticed it was the note card I had thrown away.

It looked like he put some effort into trying to take the crinkles out. It was then did I remember last friday, and a lump formed in my throat. "It was perfect." he whispered. I saw him take a hold of my sandwich bag that held my note cards safely inside. "Did you finish?" he asked as he sat down on the chair that was in front of him.

All I did was nod my head. I heard him opening the bag, and he started placing the card in order. I wiped my hands on my jeans, and pulled a stray piece of hair that had fallen in my face to behind my ear once again.

"These look good." I felt his knee brush against mine, and I bit my lip. "Michelle." he whispered. I fought the urge to look at him. "Look at me." I closed my eyes, and lifted my head. I felt the tip of one of his fingers run down my jaw. "Let me see those beautiful eyes." Ever so slowly, I opened them. "There they are." he seemed mesmerized, and ran his finger up and down my jaw. "Your so beauti-"

He was cut off by the office who buzzed from the speaker over head. I cursed at my stupid self, and the fact that he could have the upper hand. "Mr. Thompson, could you please send Michelle Martinez to the office, she will be leaving."

He pulled away from me, and stood up. "Alright." he yelled back.

"Thank you." the secretary said.

His eyes were back on me. "Where are you going?"

Instead of answering, I started gathering my stuff. I neatly stacked my cards, and placed them back in the baggie.


I looked at him, and sighed. So much for ignoring him. "Doctors."


I stuffed the baggie inside my tote, and shouldered it. I looked around making sure I hadn't forgotten anything. Once I noticed I didn't I made a move towards the door, but Everett... or should I now say Mr. Thompson once again, blocked my way.

"Michelle, why?"

I groaned inwardly. It really wasn't any of his business anymore. "I have an appointment." I moved around him. I stopped and turned around. "Don't try calling my mom to see what it's about either, because she won't answer you." I turned back around, and walked out the library.

I made my way to the office, and found Miles standing there. He gave me a sheepish smile. "Your mom's busy right now, and so is Riley. So she asked me to take you. I hope you don't mind."

I shook my head. "No, it's fine. Thank you."

"No problem, but she said she'll be there later if we're still waiting."

"Ah, okay." I smiled.


I hated hospital. And doctors. And needles. As we parked, almost all the way in the back of the parking lot of the hospital, I couldn't help my hand that grabbed Miles' forearm as we walked towards the entrance.

"Nervous?" he asked, and looked down at me.

"Yeah." I mumbled.

"It'll be over before you know it."

"Yeah, I guess." I was nervous, about the test result. I sighed, as we reached the entrance of the hospital.

I checked-in fifteen minutes before my appointment, like a good girl. And because we had too. I sat down next to Miles, on those uncomfortable waiting room chairs. Without knowing what I was doing, yet again, I leaned my head against Miles shoulder. I felt his muscle tense, and then soon relax.

I heard a familiar sound. Keys jingling. I looked towards the doorway to see my mom standing there, and soon she saw us, and made her way over to us.

"Hey." she smiled while sitting next to me.

"Hi." we said simultaneously.

She looked at Miles, and then down at me. She wiggled her eyebrows, and I smirked while rolling my eyes. I opened my mouth to say something, but a nurse walked in cutting me off.

"Michelle Martinez."

I swallowed nervously, and stood up. My mom followed me, while Miles stayed behind. We followed the nurse into a room, and she gestured for me to sit down on the table.

"I'll be right back to check your vitals." she smiled, and left the room while closing the curtains around us.

"I'm super nervous mom." I whispered, and looked around us to see monitors, and cabinets filled with different things.

"I know." I looked at her to see her biting her lip.

She only did that when she did something wrong, or stupid. "Mom." I glared at her.

She looked at me, and then down to the tiled floor. "I kinda answered a phone call."


"Told the person where you were." she said quickly.

I shifted on the table. "Who?" I demanded.

"Everett." she barely said above a whisper.

"What!" I yelled.

Soon the door opened, and the nurse came back in. I smiled sheepishly, knowing she heard my little outburst. She came around to one side of the gurney I was sitting on. "I'm just going to put this on your arm." she wrapped a blood pressure band on my upper arm. Then shoved a thermometer in my mouth, and final slide something on my finger to check my heart rate.

I looked up at the monitor to see my heart rate was one hundred-twenty. I sighed inwardly. The last time it read that, they stuck an IV in my arm to try to calm it, and slow it down. Which didn't work by the way. She finished everything, on wrong it on her clip board, and walked out again.

I turned to glared at my mom again. She smiled sheepishly. "I just came out."

"It just came out my ass." I muttered.

The door opened again, and I thought it was the nurse, until a deep musical voice filled the room. "Michelle."

My eyes widened slightly. "God." I whispered.

"I'm going to go get a snack." My mom quickly stood up, and walked out the door. Leaving Everett, and me alone.

Before he could get a word in, the door opened again. I heard talking outside, and it sounded like my doctor. "Are you okay?" he asked me.

"Super." I said bluntly.

He sighed, and sat down in the chair my mom was using. The doctor finally came in. "Hello Michelle, and-"

"Everett." he smiled, and took her hand.

"And Everett." she smiled back, and turned back toward me. "How are you doing?"

"Uh, good." I nodded, and bit my lower lip.

"Good, good." she had a folder in her hand, and began to skim it. "So, it looks like your result came in..." she trailed off, and began looking over what paper she had. She looked up at me suddenly, and something flashed across her eyes. She sighed softly, and put a hand on my forearm. "It looks like you miscarried dear, I'm sorry." She looked back down at the papers. "It seems that your hCG test have been dropping, and it seems you had came in for mild cramping, and your spotted. Signs of a pending miscarriage." She sighed, and closed the folder. "I'm very sorry."

I stared at her. Thinking maybe she was playing a joke on me. When she didn't crack a smiled, all I could do was stare at her. She stood up, and patted my leg, she said she would be coming back, and with that, she left.

Silence fell throughout the room. I saw Everett stand up, and started pacing. I opened my mouth to say something, but when I heard him talk I shut my mouth again.

"You thought that little of me." he whispered.

I looked up at him. "Huh?"

He looked me dead in the eyes. "You thought that little of me that you couldn't just tell me." his voice harsher, and raising with each word.


"You couldn't just tell me that you were pregnant." he ran a hand through his hair. His eyes hard, and his jaw clenched.

"I didn't know!" I really didn't.

"You couldn't tell me you might be then."

"Don't you think I would have told you if I knew!"

He didn't answer me, and began pacing again. "Your too young Michelle." he whispered. "This should never had happened."

"What do you mean?" I whispered.

"Us." his eyes snapped back to mine. "We were a mistake."

My breath caught in my throat. I felt my chest begin to hurt. I noticed something pass outside the glass on the window, and thought nothing of it.

"Your my student. I'm your teacher. We should have never happened." He forced through his clenched teeth.


"No, no buts." he growled.

"So I was what then?..." I whispered.

A muscle in his jaw jumped. He ignored me once again. "I could have lost my job. And for what? A stupid teenage girl. I was stupid enough to go through this as well."

"Everett." I whispered.

"We're done." He snapped at me, and turned towards the door.

A sudden burst of anger pulsed through me. "Haven't we've been over for a week now." I blurted out.

He looked over his shoulder at me. "I don't know."

"Really? You're starting that again." I laugh humorlessly.

"See? Your childish."

I gaped at him, not knowing what to say. "I'm sorry, I'm not good enough for you, and that I'm lacking maturity."

His facial features softened dramatically. "I didn't say that, Michelle."

I swallowed the lump that forming in my throat, and the pain in my chest was unbearable.

I heard him walk away. "Your my student. I'm your teacher, and that's how it's staying." He sighed heavily as he reached the door. He looked at me once more. "Bye Ms. Martinez." he closed the door with some force, and I suddenly remembered the dream I had. I gasped, and my hand went over my mouth.

As soon as the door close, I pulled my legs towards my chest. Miles, and Riley's words running through my head. The door opened again, and in came Miles. He looked at me sadly. "You heard everything?" I whispered.

He sighed softly, and nodded. "Yeah, I didn't mean to."

My doctor came back in, and smiled brightly at me. "Well, that miscarriage was from six weeks ago. I do have your result from your recent testing, and it seems that you are..." she looked down at her papers. "Four weeks pregnant. Congratulations." she smiled. "I'll have a nurse come take your vitals once more, and then you'll be discharged."

I felt my breathing quicken. I looked down at my flat stomach, and placed one of my hands over it. Oh my god.

I looked up at Miles, who gave me a small smile. "Are you going to tell him."

I knew who he meant. I finally shook my head. "He wants nothing to do with me anymore." I whispered, and rested my eyes on my stomach again.

I heard the door open again. "Michelle." sadness filled my mothers voice.

I smiled up at her, and shrugged. "I'm pregnant." I laughed trying to lighten up the atmosphere.

She seemed to get what I was doing. "I know!" she squealed excitedly.

I laughed. "Grandma." I smirked.

Soon her grinned fell. "I'm old." she gasped.

Miles began laughing. "Not really."

A beeping suddenly filled the air. My mom groaned. Work, I guessed. "I have to go, but I don't want you staying alone. Riley's working, and I don't want that douche looking after you...." she trailed off, and her eyes landed on Miles. "But you, " she pointed at him. " you could look after her for me." she grinned.

Miles shrugged. "Sure, I don't mind."

My mother turned back to me. "I found your new babysitter." she winked. "And he's cute."


"Okay, okay." she laughed. "I have to go, keep her safe." she waved, and left us.

"So." I started.


My face scrunched up, but I relaxed. "Thanks." I sighed.

"You'll be a great mom." I smiled. "Do you plan on telling anyone?"

"No." I replied quickly. "I only have a few weeks of school left, and I don't think a baby bump shows until three months, so if I can hide it until after graduation day that'd be great. I mean I'd probably tell my close friends, but that's it."

"Good plan." he smiled.

"You know you could have said no to my mom." I chuckled.

"It's fine, I wasn't doing anything later anyway, and I'm off tomorrow so it's cool."

I nodded. "Thanks. She freaks out when I stay home alone. She calls me every hour. Literally."

"She's just checking up on her baby girl." he smirked. I rolled my eyes.

I couldn't tell anyone. Especially not Everett. He basically told me he want nothing to do with me. I can do this myself. I think.

I sighed. That definitely wasn't the reaction I wanted from him if I ever had found out I was pregnant. I wanted the baby to have both parent, unlike me. It seemed like something was up about him. But how would I know.

Unfortunately, that wasn't going to happen. At all.

It's going to start getting harder ever day. Starting now.


Team Riley?
Team Everett?(for you brave folks that still love him ;) )
Team Miles?
I'd love to know!



Fan even!

~Stephanie. <3

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