You Are The Only Exception:Ch 18 {Teacher/Student Relationship}

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A/N: Please refrain from cyber punching me in the face....
Or any other crazy ideas you guys have.



That is all...


Now enjoy reading.....

~You Are The Only Exception: {Teacher/Student Relationship}~

Chapter 18


I glanced at the clock on my night stand, and saw that it was three
in the afternoon. I bolted up, and rubbed my eyes. I groaned once
I remembered that school would be starting up tomorrow. I stood up
and started walking towards my Mom's room. I saw her sitting up
in her bed reading a manuscript.

She glanced up when she heard me walk in. "Well, hello there sleepy

"Hi. So what are you reading about?" I asked curiously.

"Fallen angels." she said simply.

"They seem to be getting more popular. I like fallen angels,... fallen
angels are the new vampires." I said and smirked.

She raised an eyebrow. "You think?"

"Yep." I said, and began walking out of her room, and towards
the kitchen to get me a bowl of cereal. I grabbed a bowl from
the cabinet, and the milk from the fridge, then chose frosted
flakes. I stopped pouring milk when I remember what I was
going to do later tonight.

I ran back upstairs, and searched through my backpack for the
key-card to his room. I smiled, and placed it in my wallet for later,
and walked back towards the kitchen to eat my cereal. I heard the front
door open, and froze, my spoon was in the air, dripping milk. I placed
my spoon back in the bowl, and turned around to see Rikki standing
there with a big grin on his face.

"Hey, Love."

"Rikki!" I yelled, and hugged him, and he lifted me up, and spun me
around. "I'm so happy to see you."

"I can tell." he said, and smirked.

"So how was you trip?" I asked, and moved back towards my bowl
of cereal.

"Eh, good. You know how it is when you visit relatives. Embarrassing
stories of when you were younger, your Aunt's always pinching you cheeks,
and your Uncles always getting you to taste some alcoholic drink." He said
and shook his head.

"Right." I said, and laughed.

"What about you?"

I swallowed my milk wrong, and began coughing. I took a drink of water
and began talking. "Um, nothing out of the ordinary." I said, and laughed


I avoided his gaze, but felt him staring at me, and my hands started to
get clammy. "I-I, um,... had to stay with Everett." I said fast.

I looked up at him when he said nothing, and found that his eyes were
wide, and his mouth was open. "You didn't say, what I think you just
said,... did you?"

"That depends on what you think I said." I said softly.

He grabbed my forearm, and I looked up at him. "You stayed with
Everett Thompson."

"Yes. My Mom made me." I said above a whisper.

"Are you lying?"

"No. Please don't tell anyone else. I mean..." I trailed off, and looked
down at the floor.

I looked up at Rikki to see him smiling sweetly at me. "Sure, I won't
tell, and I'm guessing he gave you that necklace your wearing around
your neck too." He said, and gestured to my necklace. I felt my hand
instantly grab it, and blushed.

"Yeah. I, uh, he gave it to me for Christmas."

"Tell me Michelle, do you like Everett." I blushed harder, and looked
away, but Rikki grabbed my face, and made me look at him. I nodded.
"And does he like you back?" he questioned, and I nodded again. "Well
the only way I'm keeping this little secret is if you kiss me." He smirked.

"Fine." I said simply, and began leaning in.

His eyes widened, and he backed away. "I-I, uh."

I laughed, and began thinking of a good cover-up to say I was lying
about Everett. "You know I was just kidding about Mr. Thompson, and
me liking him, and this necklace too, right?"

"I had a feeling you were. Cause there's no way you would like a teacher.
I mean, age is just a number, but I wouldn't think you would do that whole,
'Forbidden Relationship' thing." He said and used air quotations.

"Yeah, and hey shouldn't you be leaving?" I said, trying to get him to leave.

"Oh, yeah." He said, and started for the door. "Oh, and Michelle, if you
really did have a relationship with Thompson. Well I'd be there for you
if something happened. Oh, and love the naturals" he said, and smirked,
and gestured to my eyes.

"Thanks." I smiled, and pushed him out the door.

I decided to go shower, and that would give me time to straighten my
hair, and convince my Mom to let me drive her car.


"Hey Mom." I said, and walked into her room.

"What is it sweetie?"

"Well I was wondering if I could borrow the car to go to the store real
quick." I asked, and focused on the lamp by the bed.

"Hm, well you do have you license." I heard her sigh. "Alright, as long
as you promise me that you will drive no faster then sixty." she said,
and reached inside her purse, and fished out her keys.

"I promise." I walked over, and grabbed the keys. "Thanks so much
Mom." I said, and kissed her cheek, and walked back to my room.

I showered quickly, and glanced at my clock to see it was almost
going to be eight. I furrow my brows, as I tried to remember what I
did all day. 'Cereal, Rikki, more cereal, television, and...' I thought.
My whole day went to television, and I sighed heavily. I brushed
through my hair, and began to straighten it.

After I finished, I pulled on some black skinny jeans, and a white
muscle shirt, and white underwear, and bra. 'Simple.' I thought.
I opened my wallet, and pulled out the key-card. 'He did say whenever
I wanted.'

I grabbed my jacket, "I won't be long Mom." I yelled toward her room.

"Alright, drive safe." She yelled back, and I walked toward the car. I
waited for it to warm up, since I was freezing, and started backing
down the driveway.

I started getting nervous as I came closer to the hotel, and soon the
hotel came into view. I parked, and took a deep breath, and looked
at the clock to see it was almost going to be nine. I cut the engine,
and climbed out of the car, and headed for the entrance doors.

I pushed the 'up' button, and waited for the elevator. The elevator
arrived, and I stepped in, and shortly arrived on his floor. I took a
deep breath, and started walking down the hall to his room. I finally
stood outside of his door, and pulled out my wallet to grab the key-card.

I took a deep breath, and inserted the keycard into the slot. I opened the
door, and instantly inhaled a musky scent. I scrunched my nose, and
tried to figure out what that smell was, but couldn't. I ignored the smell
and continued to walk til I was in the living room, and I finally noticed no
lights were on except for the small lamp that was by the front door.

I felt more anxious knowing that he was asleep, and I could sneak
up on him. I felt a smile creep across my face, and began walking
towards his room. I noticed his door was cracked open only about
two inches, as I walked closer I noticed the study room, and decided
to check it out.

I saw his phone on the computer desk, but decided not to mess with

Curiosity got the better of me though, I went straight to his text
messages, and went to view his in-box. The very first message was a
number that wasn't saved to his phone, but it read: Can't wait. See
you soon.

I arched one of my eyebrows, and thought nothing of it. I walked out
of the room and headed for his room. I peeked through the crack,
but couldn't see to much. I pushed open the door slowly, and quietly,
and what I saw made my knees tremble.

I felt my hand go instantly over my mouth, and I felt sick to my
stomach. The room smelt disgusting, and the musky air was thicker
in his room, than the living room. 'Jesse? Was that her name?'
I thought, as I saw the same women from a while back, sleeping
in Everett's arms. His arms were wrapped around her, and clothes
were scattered all around the room, and they were clearly naked
underneath the cover.

I slowly started backing out of the room. I felt my through go
dry, and all I heard was my rapid beating heart pounding in my
ears. I slowly made it to the living room, I reached around my neck,
and took the necklace off, and grabbed the key-card out of my pocket.

I saw a piece of paper when I was at his desk, and quickly walked
back to the study room and quickly wrote down 'Goodbye.'
I place the key-card on top of the paper, and the placed down the
necklace next.

I made my way to the door, opened it, and quietly closed it. I ran
down towards the elevator and pressed the button, and the elevator
door opened, and I stepped in.

'I'm such an idiot.' I shook my head, and hit my head against the
wall. "Fucking idiot." I yelled. "This is what I get for letting my
heart win." I whispered.

The elevator doors opened, and I quickly walked to the car. I sat
there with my forehead on the steering wheel, and I felt the tears
freely falling down my face. My chest started hurting. 'Is that my
heart? It's breaking...' I thought. I started the car, and drove home.

I walked through the our front door, and I noticed my Mom went to
sleep, and place her keys on her nightstand. I walked towards my
room, changed, and climbed into my bed. I pulled the covers around
me tightly, and all I wanted to do was sleep, so I didn't have to think
about anything. I just wanted my mind to go blank.


I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing, and I noticed it was
laying next to me on the bed. I also noticed a note on my nightstand.


Had to go to work, and there's no school today so don't worry. I
found your phone in my car, and put it beside you.

Love, Mom

I threw the note on the floor, and picked up my phone and ignored
the person who called. I set my alarm for tomorrow morning, and
drifted back to sleep.


I woke up to the sound of my phone again, and grabbed my phone
without looking to who was calling.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Michelle I need to tal-" I instantly closed my phone.

I shut my phone, and threw it on my bed. All I wanted to do was sleep.
I felt so exhausted, and I didn't want to be bother. I heard my phone
ring again. I stiffened, but shoved the feelings away. I just wanted to
feel emotionless.

You Are The Only Exception {Teacher/Student Relationship}Where stories live. Discover now