Chapter 23 - Eighth Period: Reaper Time, Part 2

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Third Person POV

'Who deserves to live more?' questioned the person in a black cloak and a white mask. Looking through one of the many monitors in front of them in the big empty room, the assassin watched as the students sulked over the betrayal of their beloved English teacher they had come to save only to be captured themselves. For the person who betrayed them, for doing such a thing, would they be worth saving? It was dangerous train of thought but one that couldn't be helped when left alone with nothing but monitors. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that it was more of a habit for the killer who thought too much. "I want to ask big brother," Blade voiced to no one.

Being completely lost in thought, they almost missed the two visitors looking over the front door that one of the smaller screens showed. Well, it would be rather disgraceful if the assassin specializing in reconnaissance were to miss a yellow octopus in a dog costume. Immediately if other guest were spotted, the footage is supposed to be sent to their partner however, they hesitated. Looming their finger above the button that would link the first camera to the Reaper's phone, the silver haired figure began to think improper thoughts for a killer. At first Blade was considering but then a sigh escaped their lips, a rather tired one at that. Pressing the button, rather reluctantly, the person reasoned almost forcefully with themself, "Pick a side and then act towards it, right big brother?"

Receiving the link, the Reaper showed the footage to his temporary partner Irina who named the guest for him, "Karasuma?" Hearing this, the hostages brightened despite their situation. "Why is he here?" questioned the mastermind. "Probably because, he told us once if there was ever a wall we couldn't get over, he'd take over from there," answered Itona. Sweeping his eyes through the cage, all the Reaper saw were relieved and confident looks. Smiling at this all he could think of was 'How fun.'

Now, if only he knew the hesitation his partner had seconds before linking the phone and camera, perhaps then they could be happy together.


Having received permission from the Reaper, Blade went ahead and opened the front door for them. The two were of course suspicious of the easy entry but they didn't have time to waste so they accepted the obvious trap. Right when they stepped foot into the room, just as what happened to the kids, the door shut immediately behind them. The two men being professionals could of course stop the moving door but again, they didn't have time to waste. Controlling the elevator, Blade made sure to stop it on the floor above the one E class was being held.

There lay a one-way hallway that would lead them to the Reaper holding Irina hostage. This was the expected trap and already knowing how it would play out, Blade took the time to look around the empty monitor room. Searching for a certain black suitcase, the assassin found it sitting near the only door. Because of the close distance, the cloaked figure became tempted and watched the door knob for a second. Looking back at the monitors, Blade watched as Koro Sensei fell perfectly into their trap, literally. Seeing that the Reaper was now free at the moment, Blade took out their phone and was about to text that they were going out for a walk but stopped before any letters were hit. Thinking for another second, Blade decided to put away their phone without notifying their partner of anything.

Communication is the threshold of good teamwork so even with this one action, especially in an operation where it's either kill or be killed, only traitors or trusted colleges would take such an action.

After checking that the assassin had their phone in their inner cloak pocket, rifle and suitcase in hand, they made their way outside of the room and somewhere more convenient for their own motives if they so wished.

Linking the other cameras to their phone was certainly a good call since now the assassin could view everything with ease despite the lack of monitors. Taking out their phone, Blade watched as Koro Sensei shared the same cage as his students and how he was able to melt the bars despite it being covered with anti-me material. Seeing this, the shorter partner called the other with their transceiver earpiece to tell them of this. Replying in a carefree voice, the Reaper replied, "Don't worry, I can handle it. Just make sure to update me if necessary." Agreeing with the plan, Blade continued the walk around the base while making sure to avoid the area where the hostages were. This task was made rather easy when Blade had installed a GPS tracker and map in their phone for instances just as this.

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