Chapter 9 - Island Time ✔

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(A/N: The first new outfit your wearing looks like the picture above only without the brown bag and with the fingerless gloves.)


(Y/N)'s POV

        In an evil castle surrounded by skeleton minions that were defending the last stage. With the good doer's health barely hanging on, the villain seemed to have the upper hand with his health bar only half empty. As the demon lord known as Lucifer was about to use his special ability "darkness blast" to literally blow away his enemy, the mage that was dueling him used a rare enchantment only found in the "Book of Truth" called "thorny shadows". The spell was used to manipulate the demon's shadow and turn it into shadow thorns which wrapped around the his body allowing no movement to take place as it slowly took health away from the demon. With her final bit of strength, the magic caster summoned her dead friend that died sometime in the long journey and gave the lifeless body one last order before it would reach it's limit and turn into dust. That last order was...


How odd. I was sure I heard the grass rustling with each other. If I am correct, that means...She must be looking for me. "Before we start our bug hunt I gotta find something else. It was really hard for me to get it here." That cheerful voice, it definitely her and from the sounds of the way they walk she must have 3 others with her, all male. My options are limited, try to run and get caught in the end or try to hide where I am and get caught...I'll just stay here and finish my game.


And that last order was to, "Catch-
And that last order was to, "Catch some bugs with us!"


   "Tch." And here I was looking forward to the ending song. I turned off my PSVITA realizing it was inevitable but to come along. So the males accompanying Kurahashi were Nagisa, Sugino, and Maehara. They look surprised for some reason. Were they expecting an object or another person? "So do I have to come along Kurahashi?" I questioned the brightly haired girl who just smiled as the others just looked at her questionably. "Well unless you don't want money for that new game that just came out." The teen's reply only made me sigh. I could just used my money in my savings since I do have quite a lot but, I suppose if I agree to come along I could benefit in profit while I observe their actions. "I'll come along but only if you give me back my DS." The three boys sweat dropped hearing the sweet girl took my things. "Did you really take it Kurahashi?" asked Nagisa, a little suspicious of her actions. "Well, how else am I suppose to make (Y/N) come catch bugs with me." she said innocently. After being given my things back I got up and started walking. "Are you guys coming or not?" I could hear their fast footsteps catching up with mine. I wonder what we'll find on this mini game?

        As we were walking to Kurahashi's first bug trap I took this opportunity to ask, "So why did you guys look surprised to see me?" They tensed at this question for some reason but eventually Sugino answered, "I-Its just that since Kurahashi was referring to you as "it" I thought she was looking for something of hers." "I just didn't think you would look so cute in that outfi of yours~." Maehara's response just made my eyes narrow at his direction. I bet he could guess what I was thinking, I want to beat him up. Lucky for him Nagisa injected seeing his friend starting to get nervous and said, "I-I think he just meant that since this is the first time we saw you in causal clothes we were a little surprised." I calmed down and said bored tone, "Alright then. I was just wondering."

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