Chapter 11 - Pandemonium Time ✔

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(Y/N)'s POV

        Hearing my classmates hesitate to take up such an easy obstacle truly disappoints me. Letting a sigh escape my lips, I turned my head to face Mr. Karasuma who just recently said me, Nagisa's, and Kayano's name. No doubt he and Ms. Jelavic were thinking about playing by the enemy's rules. Looking up to the mountain, a smile sketched itself upon my features once I noticed the students climbing up the rock with great confidence and smiles while I stood planted on the ground. "See, we can handle this. Now whoever's waiting on the top may be a different story. So hey, Mr. K, it'd be cool if you came with. We need a commander." Isogai yelled out from a little farther up the mountain. "Mr. Karasuma" I called out. "Being someone else's puppet doesn't exactly sit well with me and the rest of the class. I'm sure we're all just itching for some revenge...As are you sir?" After Koro Sensei gave him a small pep talk, he finally told us to out instructions for the stealth mission. This will certainly be a fun game...But...Why is it that there's a pain feeling in my stomach? I know I'm not worried about my own well being so...Am I worried about the others? Bringing my head down in thought I paid no attention to the class memorizing the layout of the building. That's impossible! I don't feel anything! My heart is hurting. This is just a game, I shouldn't be concerned about some players that'll be gone soon! The pain is getting worse. I...I will be gone...I will be alone once more...And only then will I be happy. My heart is in pain and yet I couldn't feel it anymore. Placing my ear buds in their rightful place, my once worried and distorted eyes reverted back to normal in mere seconds as my somewhat playful and dull look came back to the surface.

                                                                    LET THE GAMES BEGIN

        Keeping your exposure is an very important thing every assassin must master if they wish to succeed in such an occupation. Or so I thought until I saw Ms. Irina freaking out as Mr. Karasuma climbed the cliff with her on his back, obviously disturbed by her very loud presence. Ignoring the ruckus from below, I continued to venture up the gigantic rock only for Okano to zoom right past me. She's certainly quite skilled even in this kind of situation. How useful...Making it up to the top was simple enough for me but I suppose it isn't everyone's cup of tea since I spotted Kataoka struggling a little to push herself up not to far from me. Reaching out my hand to her, she grabbed it and I pulled herself up with ease. "Thanks a lot (Y/N)" which I replied in an indifferent tone, "There's no need for gratitude, I simply wanted to avoid any bothersome casualties." and flicked my glasses up (if you have any). For some reason she sweat dropped at my replay but a few seconds later suggested we join with the rest of the class to which I complied with. Despite how complicated Ritsu explained the layout of the building it seemed rather easy to infiltrate especially with the aces up our sleeves.

        Entering the side door that the purplenette just unlocked for us, we came across our first obstacle once we stopped at the lobby. Guards at every corner with their eyes searching for anything suspicious. If I was on my own I'm certain I would be able to make it pass without hassle but since everyone else is needed I can't afford to lose them. Let's see, we could always try to knock them out at once but I'm afraid our numbers will serve as a disadvantage. We could try to distract them with something but what do we use? One of the students could act as a lost child but I doubt they could pull it off without getting caught. Distract them with a sound perhaps?  A penny? But only a few would catch that and it wouldn't provide a long enough time gap for all of us to make it through. "Come on people, let's just do it." That's right, Irina is in our party as well. I am greatly disappointed in myself for forgetting such an important detail. Walking past us her students started to worry so I told them, "Relax, she is a professional after all." Acting drunk, seducing the men around her, and playing a beautiful piano piece, yes, she truly is an assassin worthy of our praise. Walking through the now barley guarded floor, the class made it safely to the stairs where we continued our mission from there.

        With time not in our favor, we quickly made it to the third floor where Mr. Karasuma explained what we would do first, act like spoiled children who has rich parents. But I must say this, it was rather amusing to watch my classmates completely fail at the rich kid act. Making our way to the third floor central hall Terasaka and Yoshida thought it would be a brilliant idea for them to go sprinting off. Tch. This isn't the kind of situation where you act like a child or rather run off especially in your condition. Opening my mouth to tell them to stop, Fuwa beat me to it. In the end it was Mr. K who saved the two boys but ended up getting sprayed with a paralyzing poison by the man in front of us. I deciding to move a couple steps away from the eye sight of the one ahead of us for certain reasons. Watching as the educator jumped out of the gas, the man in question asked, "What gave me away? I pride myself at being non-descripted as possible, happen to be one of my best selling points little Ms. Helmet Head." From there the girl started explaining herself on how she came to such a conclusion and also advertised some Shounen Jump. As E class' P.E. teacher collapsed to the ground the poisoner started laughing. "Well, congrates on uncovering my identity but I'm afraid its a little too late." Telling us so much information in a long period of time was a mistake on his part seeing it gave me enough time to quickly signal my classmates to block all the exits to make sure he wouldn't tell his 'boss' about our plans. Despite pulling my cap down low enough for my eyes to be hidden and music still playing through my ear buds, I could still hear the sound of our serious teacher knocking out the enemy. After tying him up and hiding his body underneath a coffee table we continued our way to the top floor only this time with a little more caution. 

        With Mr. Karasuma paralyzed, Ms. Irina distracting the guards at the lobby, and Koro Sensei still in his absolute defense form, it seems my knights have all but become useless to me...Just as planed. Now I get to see what my pawns are really capable of. This mission seems to be going smoother then expected. "Whoo hoo, summer vacation is finally in full swing." But of course certain things do get on my nerves such as annoying and carefree comments in such a serious situation. It was obvious that everyone else was annoyed too by such a comment that our "beloved teacher" got the "full swing penalty" and nearly shoved inside Teresaka's pants. "Kae I'll bite, why does it fell like summer vacation all of a sudden" asked Nagisa. "Because my students are acting independently of me." I suppose when he puts in that context he is right. But...Saying things like that so happily and not with a care in the world is kinda...Boring.

        All you could hear was quiet breathing and footsteps as we made our way to the fifth floor scenic walkway. Waiting for us there however was a blond suspicious looking man. I didn't expect him to be here so soon. Nevertheless I won't intervene too much so long as he plays his role properly. Smashing his fist on the glass behind us, his voice boomed as he said, "Booorrring. I can hear your footsteps people. I wanted to kill someone interesting not a bunch of amateurs. Ain't your quadrant leader supposed to be some kind of special forces to get bagged? Hun. Huh, tough break, guess the gas got to him before he got the chance, hun. Smog live or did they kill each other at the same time like men? Hun, let me see it." Following his orders we reluctantly came out from the corner with the same thoughts in mind, the way he speaks us rather odd. Now I realize this isn't the time however, his speech makes it hard for him to seem intimidating. "Dude, what's with all the stupid "huns"?" After informing us that the "huns" were how samurai spoke to sound "intimidating", he took out a phone to call his boss and for reinforcements.

        Wrong move I'm afraid. Holding an amused expression, I dashed to the assassin and kicked his mobile device out of his hand, making it smash against the also shattered glass surface. I could hear everyone gasp at my quick and reckless action but that didn't bother me a bit. "(Y/N)!" shouted Koro Sensei. "Although I admire your determination in this mission, I see no reason for you to be fighting such a strong opponent in your condition." "Tch. Do be careful of what you say and who you say it in front of." I told my teacher with my tongue laced in venom. Turning to face him I said, "But there's no need to worry about my well being, after all Akabane is the one to fight this time." Walking back to the group, me and Karma were side by side for only a few seconds but it gave me just enough time to give the boy a small message. "Remember your failure and make sure you never feel like that ever again." His smirk mirrored mine as he whispered to me, "Could've figured that out by myself, gamer girl." This is truly what you call, a fun game.


"I treat life like a game 'cause it is one. The only question is what is your position on my chess board."


A Crime to Live (Assassination Classroom - Female Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now