Chapter 4 - Ball Game Tournament Time ✔

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(Y/N)'s POV

        I was walking home from a hot day at school with my usual devices on when I see Akabane, Shiota, and Sugino talking to Kunugigaoka baseball team. If I recall correctly, Sugino used to be on that team. I was planning on just walking away from the boring commotion when I heard the captain say, "There's great and then there's everybody else. Now guess which one I am." I pulled my ear buds out making them sit quietly in my hand which also had my paused DS game. I let my full hand fall to my side as I raised my free hand to my waist and walked to the now interesting conversation the group was having. "Anyone is capable of anything as long as they have the will to do so. That being said, I can't wait to see your face when we make you eat your words." I had a playful smirk on as I said those words in a challenging tone." Everyone seems to be surprised at my sudden appearance and choice of words which made a bitter sweet closed eye smile dance across my features as I told them, "Let's have a good game shall we?"

        The next day had arrived and E class was now discussing the baseball game while I played a new action game on my PSVITA and listening to music. After Koro Sensei told the class that he had a strategy to help win the exhibition game, I raised my hand up while still focusing on my small screen. "Yes (L/N)?" asked the tentacled teacher. "I would prefer to play in the baseball game rather than the basketball game." I stated in my monotone voice. Isogai then told me, "I don't think that's a good idea. After all you are a-". Before he could finish his sentence I told the boy along as the rest of the class, "The principle does not care for what I do so long as it does not interfere with him. And I wouldn't say I'm well known on the main campus, so it would be just fine if I pretended to be a male in E class and play the game. After all, I did succeed in fooling all of you with my gender. I also play baseball quite well so you would be benefiting from this outcome as well." The educator thought for a couple of seconds before shouting happily, "Very well (L/N)! I agree with your proposal but you have to give this game your all, you hear me!" In return I simply nodded as the teacher kept talking with his other students. I plan on fighting in the open this time, it would be best to keep my interference to a limited amount.

        I was standing in line with the other boys to greet the opponents. As for my disguise, I wore a brown messy wig, orange contacts, and thick black glasses with the aliases of Kuro Yoru. I also wore the P.E. uniform sweater to hold my MP3 player and other necessities that did not include any gaming devices.  After Isogai's speech and Kimura's bat, it was my turn on the field. As I walked onto the field my name fake name was called out but everyone paid no heed since they don't care about E class other than us loosing that is. My eyes were glued to the thrown ball as it was hurled towards me. I bunted it on my first try as planned and sprinted to first base. While the "elite" were gawking at the scene I just had an indifferent expression while I observed my surroundings, trying to predict what kind of twist this story would have. The odds may be in our favor but it's still too soon to tell for sure. It's best to have a few aces up our sleeves just in case. After a while I sat back on the bench where I heard, "Level completed!" from Akabane's DS he was playing on. The red head saw what my eyes were trained on and said, "Why didn't you bother to bring your DS? You're usually playing on something all the time." In response I told him, "There's no reason to start a new game when this one is just getting interesting." Before he could reply Maehara voiced his thoughts interrupting our very short conversation, "So far so good coach. Nice job. Practicing against you really payed off."

        The boys and Iwere playing against Koro Sensei as practice who was extremely good with just his clones. I tried to play my games but he just confiscated it and told me to complete the training to get all my devices back. In the end, we were all gasping for air and trying to get our lost energy back. After our coach explained the benefit of playing against him, I stood up first as if I was never tired and said in an interested tone, "Then let's get to it shall we?"

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