Chapter 14 - Nagisa Time ✔

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Nagisa's POV

"And to answer your question Shiota, this just means you won't be needing to get your hands dirty for this assassination." Those words rung in my already acing head. What does this mean?! What does she mean?! All I know for sure is that...That man-no monster! Destroyed the only antidote to save my friends! And for that he needs to die!

With shaking arms, I pointed my knife at the psycho ready to pounce when (Y/N) wouldn't get out of my way. She isn't gonna move is she? Fine. "Move out of the way (Y/N)! I don't care what you say! He's my kill! If you don't move I'll-" What the? Before I could even finish my sentence I felt like...Someone-no something was suffocating me. I could barely breathe. All I saw was darkness, I couldn't even see the knife I was just holding. The thing that was restraining me so tightly refused to let go and only tightened every time I tried to break free. Damn it, I can feel my legs giving out but...I cant! I want to-I need to kill him! I kept struggling to break free until I finally stopped. What made me stop you ask, it was the cold (E/C) orbs that leaked so much bloodlust it got hard to take in any air. "Shiota-" Hearing her voice was so sharp that it cut the illusion I was trapped in. Blinking a few times, it seemed that no time has passed. "Shiota, do not defy me. You will keep still as I handle this, if you dare to interfere then your well being is out of my hands. The fault lies with you if your blood is to spill, not mine." Gulping to myself, she turned away from me and prepared to kill Takaoka.

Third Person's POV

'Why am I so scared? I'm even shaking. She's the same as me so...Is she even the same as me?' thought Nagisa full of doubt. "SO YOU THINK YOU COULD KILL ME?! WELL YOU HAVE MUCH MORE POTENTIAL THEN THE OTHER RUNTS BUT I HEAR YOU'VE GOTTEN SOFT!-" In a blink of an eye (Y/N) dashed to the target and left a light cut on his arm. Everyone around gasps because of the amount of skill their classmate posses and yet never showed during the term. What was even more surprising to them however was that the man their peer cut who was bleeding started laughing. "HAHAHAHAHA, THIS IS FUN! I CAN'T WAIT TO BREAK YOU TOO!" Acting fast, Takaoka punched the (H/C) in the stomach. She stopped moving making the crowd think that was the end of it but the girl then grabbed the old teacher's arms and got her gun out. Her sharp eyes pierced the adult but not the bullet to which he dodged just in time by moving his head to the side. Takaoka then pulled his leg back, ready to kick the girl off only to receive the gun being stabbed into his adamant. 'Is she going to shoot him?!', the class thought in a panic. It looked as if she was actually going to kill him but just as she was going to shoot the bullet-she suddenly stopped. Seeing this, the maniac laughed again and punched the (E/C) eyed girl's face. Still standing tall with the same hunting look, the female just spit in his face. Getting fed up, he retracted his arm and tried to trip the classmate who did a flip to get away from her target. But as she sprung herself off the ground she shot her next bullet that was aimed at his thigh which missed by less then a centimeter. At this point the distance between them and Nagisa who was ordered to stay as stand by, was cut short. Stepping back a bit, the boy wasn't sure if he should help or just watch just like everyone else. The hesitant reaction was a result of the venomous aura (L/N) that still lingered.

This time the grown man ran up to the kid and tried to punch her again which she dodged by stepping to the side. Throwing her knife up into the air, she quickly got her gun ready aimed at Takaoka's head. The purpose of this technique (that was never taught in class) was to distract the target's attention with the gun' aim. And as the target attempts to dodge the bullet, the knife would fall and cut a vital area of the enemy therefore securing a victory for the user. This skill takes much practice, eye coordination, and manipulation, so this much should speak of (Y/N)'s skill set. However, this certain situation made Shiota have an uneasy feeling as he watched Takaoka smile confidently in spite of the circumstances. Before the stand byer realized what was happening, the target had already grabbed his wrist and made them switch positions. Looking up Nagisa saw that the knife the my (H/C) classmate threw was coming down to him. All the boy could do was stand there. He wouldn't be able to dodge at the rate it was coming down. All of a sudden the frozen peer felt a hard impact but it wasn't the knife. Instead it was (Y/N).

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