Chapter 3 - Transfer Student Time ✔

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 (Y/N)'s POV

        Right now I am playing on my PSVITA and listening to (favorite song) while walking up the hill where the E class building stood. Did I neglect to mention that I was late and it was raining quite hard. Thanks to my (F/C) umbrella, neither I nor my electronics were wet once I finally reached my destination. The only reason why I am not in class right now is because I was up last night researching on the new transfer student and his apparent guardian. There wasn't too much information concerning them, or at least not much I could find without going too deep. In front of me was the back door and once I opened it, everyone's attention was directed towards me. I paused my game and looked up to see a suspicious man cloaked in white and an albino boy the same age as me to the right of Akabane. I then bowed at the newcomers and said, "Pleasure to make your acquaintance, my name is (F/N). Welcome to class E and please refrain from crippling this building to the best of your abilities." My fellow classmates and teachers seemed to sweat drop at my indifference.

        After that, I sat in my seat and continued playing on my device as I ignored the commotion around me. "You're the strongest one in the class aren't you. But you don't have to worry, you're still weaker than me that means you get to live. You're beneath my skill". Those were the words that cut off my concentration. "What a child." I say to myself almost silently but it seems that Lady Luck was not on my side since Horibe heard my comment. "Pardon?" the boy who was now facing me asked. I looked at him straight in the eyes with my (E/C) ones as I told him with boredom, "What I said is none of your concern. I just find your game unamusing, that is all. Please carry on." With a last skeptical look sent my way, he continued walking and talking to Koro Sensei. I could tell some classmates were eyeing me because of my comment but they just refocused on the transfer student after awhile. Horibe and Koro Sensei's conversation may have some information of use to me which is why I am now paying attention. It seems that they are both brothers which I highly doubt because of my information and by the yellow creature's reaction. They certainly are not blood brothers so the boy must mean in relation in a different aspect.

        Lunch break quickly arrived and since it was still raining outside, I couldn't eat my lunch outside which meant I had to eat in my desk. I was on my laptop now taking notes on the so called "brothers" and decoding some documents as a favor for someone. While I was occupied the octopus was eating sweets like the white haired boy but what really ticked me off was the fact that they were both reading porn. And in front of children no less. Deciding I've had enough after Okajima and the outrageous stories, I stood up and walked in front of the unfazed pervert with my device no longer glued to my eyes but instead were now filled with a stern look. "Itona Horibe, please refrain from reading such content in front of a young audience. The same goes for Koro Sensei, Taiga Okajima, and any other diagusting perverts present." The two just recently mentioned were about to protest until I looked them straight in the eyes with the same stern look and said, "Do I make myself clear?" They both nodded their rapidly heads rapidly making me satisfied. I turned to look at the other mentioned boy as I heard the door close, but saw that he had already left with his magazine and sweets. I then was back to playing my RP (Role Playing) game and left the classroom since I had already finished and put away my lunch.

Third Person's POV

        It was now the long awaited battle between the brothers. As it started, all eyes were glued to one thing, Itona Horibe's tentacles. Many thoughts ran through the Class E's like a certain (H/C) thought, 'What a fun sub boss to play with.' There was nothing to take her focus off the battle that was happening in front of her. Not a device or MP3 player in sight to bother the student whose eyes showed a calculating look as she observed every little reaction that was displayed. Some showed astonishment while others of sadness. 'Looks like this sub boss likes to toy with their target. They could have a better chance at killing their target if they didn't bother waiting for him to regenerate' thought the (F/H) female. Taking notice of Nagisa's sadden reaction to the fight who was right beside her, she softly whispered so that only he could hear, "If you desire to kill your target then don't let others stand in your way." The bluenette then instantly wiped his head to face (L/N) who was looking at him straight in the eyes with a rare belief. It was as if in that second she told him without words, "I believe you can kill him." which was the reason why Shiota's eyes widened. He hadn't had someone believe in him in such a long time. It made him feel fulfilled, it made him feel happy. "Even by standing here with your knife in hand, you can still help turn the tides" that was the (E/C) orbed final whisper before the boy's focus was back to the main event.

        "Still think you can win?" asked Shiro. "Mr. Shiro, for all your planning there seems to be one thing you haven't taken into account" Koro Sensei told the man. "Not likely. No detail was overlooked, no angle was unconsidered. Finish him" as the mysterious man said those words, Itona's tentacles that were supposed to assassinate their target were now reduced to goo. The educator revealed that Horibe's tentacles worked on the anti-sensei knives which is why it resulted in such. But one thing the adult didn't mention for certain reasons was the fact that (F/N) also assisted in reducing the white haired boy's tentacles. In the little pocket of time when Itona's nearly killed Koro sensei, (Y/N) threw small pink anti-sensei pellets at his tentacles that went unnoticed by everyone but one. Once the pellets touched the surface however, they turned into a powder like substance and destroyed the tentacles. The yellow creature then wrapped his enemy in his recently molted skin and threw him out the window. Because of the protection, the adolescent was not damaged physically but the same could not be said about his mental state.

        After the teacher's preposition about him teaching the young boy, the boy in return showed tentacles of black and eyes of an uncontrollable monster. As he ran through the broken window, he quickly was shot down with a dart gun to immobilize his movement by none other than the (H/C) haired female. She then walked to the knocked out transfer student silently while everyone else didn't dare to speak up, well not yet at least. The student was scanning the male for a couple of seconds for his condition to see if anything was wrong. With her serious (E/C) eyes now staring into the Shiro's, the girl asked, "Are you the one that who gave Itona Horibe's his adjustments?" The teachers and students had shivers running down their spines as those deadly cold words rolled off her tongue. "I am not obligated to answer that." the cloaked man answered with no change in tone. "Very well. Then please send this message to the mastermind: If you plan on getting a new dog, then train it properly before loosening the leash. It would be a shame if the same thing happened again now wouldn't it?" the (S/C) skinned girl said in an amused and venomous tone with a devious smirk ascending on her face. It was silent for next few seconds after that. You could have dropped a needle and it could be heard loud clear.

        The one who broke the silence was Shiro's footsteps who past the female to carry the tentacled boy away. They made eye contact for a millisecond showing their suspicions of each other only to break away almost instantly. Shiro apologized to Koro Sensei about Itona's behavior and told him that they would need a vacation. That was when (Y/N) bowed and said in a monotone voice, "I will also be taking my leave now Koro Sensei. See you tomorrow." The said teacher was protesting on both leaving so soon but his voice didn't seem to get through to either of them.  As the three were about to exit, a yellow tentacle was placed on their shoulders to prevent a movement only for it to explode on impact.
"(F/N) I demand answers." the educator told his student who in return faced him with bored, "I have no reason to give you or anyone my personal information. Especially when you refuse tell us your story." The octopus froze after hearing those words. Before the skirt wearing student left she told everyone, "Once I see you make a decision and act on it, you will be granted access to my background." She left without a trace while her voice rang in the ears of everyone. Not long after, Shiro and Itona left as well.

        After Koro Sensei told his students that they will have to assassinate him for answers, all of them went to Karasuma Sensei for some extra training. While trying to climb the rope instructed by their P.E. teacher, a thought suddenly came to Nagisa's mind. "What if (L/N) meant for us to decided on weather killing Koro Sensei or not and then either take training seriously or not." The class who overheard his thought nodded and got even more pumped up because now they were training for two secret pasts.

        The target was now slithering his way to the teacher's lounge. He opened the door only to find a certain (H/C) sitting alone in one of the many chairs. The octopus closed the door quickly and was now in front of his student as he cried wavy tears. "I'm so glad one of my students decided to help me in my time of need!" In return the pupil simply scoffed and stated in a casual tone, "We both know you could've survived that fight even without my assistance." Koro Sensei then wiped his tears away with a handkerchief in his tentacle. "That reminds me. Why did you help me in the fight with Itona and his guardian?" A smirk was placed on the females lips as she said in an almost evil tone, "Well, the game wouldn't be as fun if there wasn't a main boss to fight, now would it?" 


"I treat life like a game 'cause it is one. The only question is what is your position on my chess board."


A Crime to Live (Assassination Classroom - Female Reader Insert)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora