Chapter 20 - Fifth Period: Leader Time

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(Y/N)'s POV

The tapping sound of the keyboard filled the dark room lit by numerous monitors. Sometimes you could even hear the frustrated sigh of the person staying up past midnight; that person was me of course. "I can't believe this," I spoke exhaustedly. "I could be grinding materials on (random game) but instead I'm doing his chores," I sighed for another time. While searching for the requested information, I stumbled upon something interesting. "I see..."


Eating a piece of bread, I looked down at the digital clock on my bedside... I'm late... I'll go after another piece.

Getting dressed for school, I glanced at my main computer screen that notified me of the email I just received. It seems that he still needs more information... What a troublesome older brother. Typing and sending a reply, I stretched my body that was tired from all the desk work I had been assigned recently. Having a shine of metal catch my eye, I peeked over towards the object and contemplated whether to bring it with me or not. Deciding against it, after nearly tripping over the opened packaged box I received the other day, I left the building with a slightly heavier book bag in hand and Bluetooth in ear. "I don't need to act uninterested in class anymore," I told myself with no gaming device on me.

Not caring that I was tardy, I calmly walked up the hill where the E class building was isolated. Sensing someone familiar from behind me, I didn't see a purpose in changing my pace nor direction. --That is until he tried to stab me with a knife, to which I crouched down and swiped his legs from under him. "Quite the armature move for an assassination attempt," I told him boredly. "Tch, how'd you even see me coming? I didn't make a sound," he grumbled with a devious smirk as he got up as if nothing happened. "I can see your shadow perfectly clear, Karma."

Back in Okinawa, I recall him stating that he would assassinate both me and Koro Sensei during the test of courage. Though, "Since we are in school grounds, please refrain from using actual knives. The usual green rubber material is just fine and it's what you're accustomed to." Hiding away the evidence of his failed attack, he walked by my side as we took our time to class. "You're not gonna ask where I got the knife?" he eyed me suspiciously. Keeping my attention forward, I told him in an uncaring tone, "Knives smaller than the size of your palm are legal making them available practically anywhere."

Hm-ing at my response, he decided to change the topic, "New MP3 player?" Pointing at the Bluetooth device in my ear, I explained to him, "My old one broke in Okinawa so I replaced it with this. It's connected to my phone so listening to music is still possible." Circling his chin with his thumb and index finger, he cunningly pointed out, "Now that I think about it, for such a high tech. person, you sure rely on some super old stuff." Receiving the full extent of my glare, his sly smirk didn't flinch, instead I would say it got wider. "I get it, I get it. I can't know anything till I beat you, yada, yada." Walking ahead of him I clarified, " Simply 'beating me' won't do. You have to assassinate me." Staring at my back, he casually brushed off my words, "Yah, yah, same thing." Making a quick turn by spinning on the ball of my foot, I spoke again only with a more nostalgic expression, "Actually... they're quite different."

Yes, confusion is the right emotion to be feeling now Karma.


While Karma made the choice to skip the rest of first period, I decided to knock on the classroom door and brace myself for a lecture about being punctual. "And why are you late, Ms. (Y/N)?" Koro Sensei would have been a much more intimidating educator if not for his multicolored tentacles he was using to teach the class with. As for his question, "I was eating breakfast," I told him with an indifferent expression. "And it took you that long?" He wanted me to admit to my absurd excuse, but I didn't plan on backing down. "Yes, it was very delicious," and then I walked away.

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