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woohoo! so, it's finally the twentieth chapter! (if that's how you spell it.) and um, it's really busy nowadays! with the fact that I'm starting highschool now, and it's a bit tough but not much. also, there's this REALLY beautiful boy in my Biology class. ugh. gorgeous.

   11.10.12 : SO. I am BACK. I know I've been gone for at least two months, but I have returned and am pushing myself to post a chapter. Over the two months I have been under severe writers block, so no creative juices were flowing. I also have started highschool and finally survived to the second quarter, so, yeah. Um, expect a very special treat in this chapter, and thank you for still reading! <33 you don't know how much I appreciate you all for reading my books. I truly truly thank God and am blessed to have such awesome fans! & readers! thank you!


        hehe. ^.^'


"Goodmorning Susan." Mrs. Douchebag said as I walked into the dining room. I didn't even know that there was a dining room until now.

"Hi." I said, and sat down at the table. Louis and Mr. Douchebag were already sitting there eating. Louis said hi to me, but Mr. Douchebag just continued to eat and read his newspaper.

"So what's on the agenda today?" I asked as I poured myself some Cocoa Puffs into a bowl.

"Well, we thought that it would be fun to go golfing today." Mrs. Douchebag said, biting her toast neatly.

"Golfing? Who in their right mind would play a lame a-"

Louis sent me a glance as Mr. and Mrs. Douchebag looked over at me.

"A . . . game like that on a day like this." I quickly scrambled for. "It's supposed to rain today."

"We know that, Gabrielle dear. But we're not playing at this filthy golf park. We're going to Hawaii to play golf."

I didn't think that our golf park was filthy. I mean, yeah, the owner there didn't really keep the grass looking green and the golf carts were chained and locked up, but it wasn't filthy. I used to go there with Angel and it -


"Hawaii?" I repeated, placing the cereal box back down. "Just to golf?"

Mr. Douchebag chuckled and nodded his head. "Of course. It's only, what, a few thousand dollars?"

A few thousand dollars? I wouldn't even use the word "few" in the same sentence as "thousand dollars".

"You don't even have to worry about security check." Mrs. Douchebag said, with a smile.

I didn't even care about her ugly cracked smile, I was going to Hawaii, for free.

"Now, go upstairs and pack after you finish eating. The car will be here by noon, so I want everyone to be down here by 11:30." Mrs. Douchebag said, brushing off her shirt as she got up from the table.

"Lulu, since I'm feeling nice today, and even my Zodiac said that today I should give help to the needy, you can pack some of the clothes that are in the guest room's closet. Just make sure you wash them twice before returning." she said, and then walked upstairs as if that was the nicest thing ever.

I looked over at Louis, picking up the fork in my hand and playing with it, gripping onto it as well as squeezing it.

After both her and Mr. Douchebag went upstairs to pack, I turned towards Louis and buried my eyebrows.

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