Counting the Days

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  It's been 364 days. 364 days. 366 days since that werewolf hunt took a turn for the worst. 365 days since I decided I couldn't handle it. 364 days since I kissed my soul goodbye. 365 days since Dean woke up and I told him he'd been out for 48 hours. One year of torturous countdowns up until this moment... and now I have just one day to live.

Love of mine
Someday you will die
And I'll be close behind
To follow you into the dark

 I couldn't tell Dean or Sam. I couldn't handle the disappointment on their faces. I'd been lying to them for a year about what really happened on that hunt. I never told them that Dean had died that day. I 'forgot' to mention the look on his face as I watched the werewolf rip his heart out of his chest. I kept quiet about the crossroads demon I made a deal with the very next night. If today was my last day on Earth, I was not going to ruin it by watching my friends pity me as I flinched every time I heard the tick of a clock.

No blinding lights
Or tunnels to gates of white

  I know what's going to happen. I'm going to Hell. Gigantic hounds only I can see will rip me limb from limb before dragging my soul to Purgatory. Darkness and anger will consume my being as I go through unbearable pain. All of it was worth it. Anything is worth watching Dean smile these past few months. The only regret is not being able to tell Dean that I love him. I love him and that is why I chose to sell my soul. To save him. It's a small price to pay for making sure Sam has his brother. The only thing left to do was make an excuse to leave for tomorrow.

Just our hands clasped so tight
Waiting for a hint of a spark

  Taking a deep breath, I make my way to the Bunker's library. Sam and Dean are both on laptops looking for a new case.

  "Hey Y/N," Dean says, not looking up from his screen.

  "Hey," I reply, walking to stand in front of the table the brothers are sitting at. "I just got a call from a friend of mine, Y/F/N. She's another hunter... She needs some help on a case in Wichita. It should just be research and a salt 'n' burn. Pretty simple," I lie.

  "Oh, okay... Want some help?" Dean asks, looking up at me. I force myself not to get lost in his deep green eyes as I come up with an escape.

  "Nah," I shrug nonchalantly. "It's just a two girl job."

  "Want some company on the drive down?" Sam asks, still researching.

  "I can just take the Charger from the garage," I offer.

  "Sure?" Dean presses. I'm mentally fight with my cliché feelings for the man in front of me. I would love to spend my last few hours driving around with my boys. I would be so much happier sitting in the Impala, listening to classic rock and joking around with the Winchesters.

  "Yeah, I'll be fine," I lie again. "I'll see you guys in a couple of days."

  "Have fun," Sam jokes, giving me a little wave. I want to walk over and hug him and cry. I want to tell him how much he means to me, and how thankful I am to have him as my best friend. I want to say goodbye properly, but I know any of these things would seem suspicious.

  "I'll walk you out," Dean says, standing up. I walk with him to the garage, wishing I could tell him how I feel. I wish I could be honest with him. I just want to have a little more time with Dean.

In Catholic school
As vicious as Roman rule
I got my knuckles bruised
By a lady in black

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